Kyiv-Novgorod Shrekism

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Kyiv-Novgorod Shrekism (Kiev Russian: Hовгородско-Kиевский шрекизм), also known as Eastern Shrekism, is a small denominational sect of Shrekism found in the Kievan Rus and other areas of East Europe founded in December 2021.


Tictachead69 migrated after his failed Antarctic colony and went into an even colder place known as Russia. He found a place to settle and founded the Kievan Rus in name of the Saxon King and became the Grand Prince. The local population was converted, but the local clergy made special compromises to convert that ultimately led to fundamental change in theology and liturgy of the Shrekist faith in Rus.

Officially the denomination hasn't officially been declared and technically isn't schismatic, but at this point it is technically a denomination and the Grand Prince does practice it, rather than main Shrekism, and the clergy is entirely independent to the lay-preacher clergy back in Saxony and the German Confederation. Today, it is the "un"official state faith of the Kievan Rus and is practiced around Russia. It is considered heretical by mainstream Saxon Shrekism, but is tolerated to ensure the population stays loyal under Saxon control.


Eastern Shrekism has several differences, one of which is a seperation between the clergy and the people; main religious preachers have proclaimed themselves clergy over the population and select their own members through elective investiture, while the population can no longer preach and be considered clergy in their own right.

Another difference is the fundamental idea of низкий лорд proposed by the Reverend Father DHero800 on the 5th of December during the prince's Veche, where Shrek retained some of his mortal form in spirit after his coronation which allowed him to preach on earth in a duel-form. This differs from the traditional idea that Shrek has an immortal single-form that he used during his time in the Middle Realm. This contradiction between these two ideas contributes to the schism in belief.

There are a few other artistic ideas and differences in architecture, but the Epic of Shrek and the story remains preserved- though only an abridged version exists in Russian. The names also differ slightly for each figure e.g. Шрек людоед is Shrek, Императрица Фиона is Fiona and Бродяга-близнец Фаркуад is Lord Farquaad. Eastern Shrekism uses ikons, similar to altars in Saxon Shreksim but in a different style that reflects Orthodoxy. There is also a greater oral tradition with a greater amount of chant, an example of which is сатана не знает английского sung by Brother Borat here.