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The town of Niigata was established on 30th of November by oworio, but leadership was later given to FenZenyatta. The town is facing the Sado Island, an Island that is currently owned by Inactive players. Currently Niigata is the largest town in Japan, and as of the 13th December, Niigata is the 5th largest town on the server in terms of claims.

Early History


On the 28th November, FenZenyatta (Ruler of Prussia at that time) noticed that some of his old friends were online on EMC. He quickly contacted one of those friends and quickly joined that friend group. He suggested creating a town together and the other notable players agreed.

On the 29th November, Niigata was chosen by the group. They started exploring the area and soon made a settlement. The original plan was to wait for FenZenyatta to sell his nation, but the group of friends couldn't wait and started building even before creating the town.


The town was established on 30th of November by oworio. FenZenyatta experienced delays with the sale of his nation so oworio took lead during the first day. On the 1st December, FenZenyatta sold his nation and joined Niigata. Once oworio came online, he gave the ownership of the town of FenZenyatta and he quickly started claiming new lands to the town. After the beginning claiming process was done, Niigata became the largest town in Japan.


Niigata has a medium size plot area for newcomers as well as a beautiful castle and a temple. They are also building something even greater for the citizens of the town.

Notable People

  • FenZenyatta
  • oworio
  • NightSorcery
  • StgHD
  • Ligma_Infester
  • Neon_Krby