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Revision as of 23:12, 3 January 2021 by >57gorky
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Template:Town Template Tagula_Island - town located on Tagula Island in Oceania. Created by Mlecz on Sep 1 2020.


01.09.2020 (13:58) - creation of town by Mlecz
01.09.2020 - TypowyPLBatman joins the town
01.09.2020 - discovery of a buried treasure
01.09.2020 - discovery of an underground canyon
01.09.2020 - building a fountain
01.09.2020 - Zuki19 joins the town
01.09.2020 - discovery of the underground base of native inhabitants under Yeina Island
02.09.2020 - start of construction of the first skyscraper
02.09.2020 - creation of the nether portal
02.09.2020 - joining a Solomon_Empire
==due to inactivity of residents, only Mlecz stays in a town==
04.12.2020 - stillnyys asks if Tagula wants to join Philipinnes
18.12.2020 - TypowyPLBatman joins the town
23.12.2020 - BluePanther26 joins the town
24.12.2020 - making an alliance with aragnok ruled by Bichon20
25-26.12.2020 - building the underground base
27.12.2020 - Szymonnn098 joins the town
27.12.2020 - BluePanther26 tries to rob the town and leaves
30.12.2020 - Fayres joins the town
31.12.2020 - BluePanther26 is declared an outlaw
31.12.2020 - Dobroxx joins the town
31.12.2020 - Mendais join the town
02.12.2020 - all of Tagula Island is claimed
02.12.2020 - Project Ecology+ is started, new beachs are created
03.12.2020 - Fayred leaves the town