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魏人民共和国(the People's Republic of Wei )''简称“魏”成立于2022年12月18日 ,位于亚洲大陆 是委员会共和制的社会主义国家 执政党是魏人民共产党 以魏红旗为国旗 

== 简介 ==
Wei People's Republic''referred to as "Wei" was established on December 18, 2022. It is located in the Asian continent and is a socialist country with a committee republic. The ruling party is the Wei People's Party and the Wei Hongqi is the national flag.
魏人民共和国实行委员会共和制 国家的一切政策由投票决定是否 

魏人民共和国遵循一个中国原则 一直主张和平共处
== Introduction ==
The People's Republic of Wei implements a committee republic, and all policies of the country are decided by voting

The People's Republic of Wei adheres to the one-China principle and has always advocated peaceful coexistence

==  历史 ==
The People's Republic of Wei is one of the seven member states of the Ming Federation

=== 魏-中盟战争 ===

==== 第一次海南战役 ====
== history ==
2022年12月18日 魏人民共和国(以下简称魏)刚成立完不久 宜兴的居民wenbool在野区被Specialcare和Sarkrity杀死 成为了这次战役的导火索
之后Specialcare与Sarkrity来到宜兴边境骚扰 被kasana1919810 LAOLING233 TheHaiLong等人联合击退 之后要求道歉 但Specialcare和Sarkrity拒不道歉
December 17, 2022, the People's Republic of Wei was established
kasana1919810 sandor87 _M_A_S_ LAOLING233 TheHaiLong TheHaiGui 组成反海南同盟军出征海南 反海南同盟军来到海南后 海南药水场成为了主战场
LAOLING233率先被攻击 其他人蜂拥而上 kasana1919810与sandor87 _M_A_S_杀死Specialcare和Sarkrity各两回 之后因为反海南同盟药水用尽
December 17, 2022, Pai Daxing became the first Chairman Wei
而海南是Specialcare和Sarkrity的主场 反复穿装备反复拿药水 LAOLING233率先阵亡  TheHaiLong TheHaiKun也阵亡 之后kanasa1919810与sandor87也相继阵亡
yanh来到海南协助反海南同盟军也阵亡 而 _M_A_S_成功逃脱
December 17, 2022, the People's Republic of Wei joined the Ming Federation
December 17, 2022, the Wei-Zhongmeng War broke out
December 17, 2022 The First Battle of Hainan
December 17, 2022, Luoyang, Xuchang (now Zhengzhou), Ningbo, Suizhou, Hefei, and Wuhu joined the People's Republic of Wei
== Wei-Chinese Alliance War ==
=== First Hainan Campaign ===
On December 18, 2022, shortly after the founding of the People's Republic of Wei (hereinafter referred to as Wei), wenbool, a resident of Yixing, was killed by Specialcare and Sarkrity in the wild, which became the fuse of this battle
Afterwards, Specialcare and Sarkrity came to Yixing border to harass them. They were jointly repulsed by kasana1919810 LAOLING233 TheHaiLong and others. Afterwards, they demanded an apology, but Specialcare and Sarkrity refused to apologize.
kasana1919810 sandor87 _M_A_S_ LAOLING233 TheHaiLong TheHaiGui formed the Wei Temporary Army to go to Hainan. After the Wei Temporary Army came to Hainan, the Hainan potion field became the main battlefield
LAOLING233 was the first to be attacked, others swarmed up, kasana1919810 and sandor87 _M_A_S_ killed Specialcare and Sarkrity twice each, and later because Wei's temporary army had no potions
And Hainan is the home field of Specialcare and Sarkrity. LAOLING233 was the first to die in battle after wearing equipment and taking potions repeatedly.
Yanh came to Hainan to assist the anti-Hainan Allied Forces and was killed while _M_A_S_ escaped successfully
The first Hainan campaign ended with the defeat of Wei and the victory of Chinese Alliance

==== 洪崖洞之围 ====
==== 洪崖洞之围 ====

Revision as of 09:59, 17 February 2023

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Wei People's Republicreferred to as "Wei" was established on December 18, 2022. It is located in the Asian continent and is a socialist country with a committee republic. The ruling party is the Wei People's Party and the Wei Hongqi is the national flag.


The People's Republic of Wei implements a committee republic, and all policies of the country are decided by voting

The People's Republic of Wei adheres to the one-China principle and has always advocated peaceful coexistence

The People's Republic of Wei is one of the seven member states of the Ming Federation


December 17, 2022, the People's Republic of Wei was established

December 17, 2022, Pai Daxing became the first Chairman Wei

December 17, 2022, the People's Republic of Wei joined the Ming Federation

December 17, 2022, the Wei-Zhongmeng War broke out

December 17, 2022 The First Battle of Hainan

December 17, 2022, Luoyang, Xuchang (now Zhengzhou), Ningbo, Suizhou, Hefei, and Wuhu joined the People's Republic of Wei

Wei-Chinese Alliance War

First Hainan Campaign

On December 18, 2022, shortly after the founding of the People's Republic of Wei (hereinafter referred to as Wei), wenbool, a resident of Yixing, was killed by Specialcare and Sarkrity in the wild, which became the fuse of this battle Afterwards, Specialcare and Sarkrity came to Yixing border to harass them. They were jointly repulsed by kasana1919810 LAOLING233 TheHaiLong and others. Afterwards, they demanded an apology, but Specialcare and Sarkrity refused to apologize. kasana1919810 sandor87 _M_A_S_ LAOLING233 TheHaiLong TheHaiGui formed the Wei Temporary Army to go to Hainan. After the Wei Temporary Army came to Hainan, the Hainan potion field became the main battlefield LAOLING233 was the first to be attacked, others swarmed up, kasana1919810 and sandor87 _M_A_S_ killed Specialcare and Sarkrity twice each, and later because Wei's temporary army had no potions And Hainan is the home field of Specialcare and Sarkrity. LAOLING233 was the first to die in battle after wearing equipment and taking potions repeatedly. Yanh came to Hainan to assist the anti-Hainan Allied Forces and was killed while _M_A_S_ escaped successfully The first Hainan campaign ended with the defeat of Wei and the victory of Chinese Alliance


2022年12月19日 海南战役失败之后 中盟集结了4名成员 其他国家的人看到洪崖洞很多人也跟了过来 分别是 ipf_9 specialcare sta lg_970 music5ath Sarkrity alzxdnr 但最终没打起来 中盟的成员lg_970威胁要让ob和马里帝国与魏断交 结束外交关系 最终这场围困未能打起来


明联邦-R.O.C 战争


R.O.C首都桃园传送点有着反共产反华地图画 并有疆独藏独头颅 时任R.O.C总统Dr_KuznetsovCN却纵容手下做出不雅行为 公然支持台、藏、疆独 同时将国王转让予Mapleland(已知台独),此人同时与SD_WZC(明联邦通缉盗窃犯)来往密切。同时,R.O.C在宣战前后联络了khazar,pvper集团,旨在与明联邦为敌。

因此明联邦(明 蜀 隋 魏 西部中国)于2023年1月27号下午对R.O.C宣战


战役爆发于2023年1月28日 明联邦对R.O.C宣战不到10小时后爆发 爆发地点为许昌北部(现为郑州北部) 河东南部的小河周围 战争前 R.O.C雇佣军在河东附近设下陷阱并建了堡垒