Battle of Minsk (Classic)

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Tallinn(Estonia) claim blocked north of Latvia with support of Canada that caused Soviet attack on Minsk.


Wave 1

Soviet Forces invaded Minsk they entered easily but got ambushed by Russian forces who started to shoot from unknown area.Soviet Forces began hiding (soviet forces led by Periano)Soviet Forces killed few russians.There was a short stalemate,Than Russian forces started dropping Bio Weapons (Harming potions) on Soviet Army what caused 2 victims from Soviets side Periano picked up Franks stuff but TheTECHnoli lost his.After that Soviet Forces started was Russian Victory.

Wave 2

Second wave was harder when Most of Soviet forces have left Periano came back with support of Russian air force and killed one russian.

Russia has won in the Battle because Soviet Forces got bigger loss and got retrated.


Soviet Army led by Periano and Frank

Russian Forces:

Ukraine Cossacks and Holy Munsteran Army led by General xWaazes_ and General Nodsch

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Soviet-Russian War