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Blomstringenbyen is a decent sized but productive mining town in Svalbard.



Blomstringenbyen was founded by TreePapi on December 30, 2019. He was joined by Bobberson07, whom worked on couple of buildings. It houses the only diplomatic embassy in Svalbard. .The GRE eventually established an embassy in the city, and it appeared the city would grow rapidly. The embassy belongs to alsjad and is maintained by him.

It is home to the only full-sized (or at least decently-sized) y1 to y256 building on the server, as far as is known. (7x7 on the outside).

Stagnation and Wealth

Bobberson07 amassed a small fortune while living in Blomstringenbyen, which allowed him to travel to Prins Karls Forland to found the town of Barentsburg. Despite the cessation of further construction within the town, TreePapi continued to work in the city, eventually creating/digging "The Hol", a massive array of pits dug to create stone. This has made Blomstringenbyen one of the richest towns on EarthMC, and has left stone bricks as the most important export in Svalbard.

Svalbard Civil War

In Spring of 2020, Blomstringenbyen founded the rebel nation of Nordaustlandet. 2 other towns quickly joined it in the upcoming conflict, which arose due to a lack of communication between ThundorLord and his vassals.


Community Center

The community center is composed of a small stage and some viewing areas, located at the town center.

GRE Embassy

The GRE embassy is one of the few functional buildings in the town outside of the stone mine. It contains only a single desk.

Blomstringenbyen Inn

A small, unowned inn near the farm.

Notable People

  • TreePapi
  • Bobberson07 (formerly)