Coats is a popular economic center and regional power in the Hudson Bay region of North America, the mainland territory of which comprises Coats Island and the nation's capital city, Twinpeaks. Coats' territory stretches from Northern Québec to the Western portion of the Hudson Bay, while the nation officially claims a large portion of Northern Canada.
Coats was founded on 10 July 2022 by it's current governor, SgtCartoon. Coats served as the continuation of SgtCartoon's ambition towards the creation of a prosperous trading nation on EarthMC, previously fulfilled by the nation of Kodiak on Terra Nova.

Not dissimilar to it's predecessor, the capital of Twinpeaks has generated thousands of gold and has upheld a government of multiple notorious players. Twinpeaks emerged as the most populous town on the server on 10 October 2022, cementing the town's position as undisputed leader of Coats.
The town of Twinpeaks maintains a certain influence over the other towns in Coats, owing to the town's strategic position and the date in which the nation was founded, as well as the town's unusual activity for the region. Twinpeaks hosted the 10-11 September 2022 Formula 1 race at its Coats International Track. The race potentially brought greater popularity for the nation. Twinpeaks' success was emboldened not only by SgtCartoon's efforts, but also the efforts of gite, of whom has been generously rewarded the title of Leader of Coats as of 16 November 2022.
Pre-founding (26 Jun - 10 Jul 2022)
A Terra Nova veteran, SgtCartoon joined Terra Aurora on 26 June 2022. SgtCartoon, withdrawn from the success and glamour of his Terra Nova nation of Kodiak, sought a similar place to begin construction of a similar town in Terra Aurora. SgtCartoon elected for the previously uninhabited island of Coats Island situated in the Hudson Bay for his new town. SgtCartoon immediately began work towards generating the gold necessary to create Coats, with his previous business experience proving extensively useful in this endeavor. SgtCartoon used a combination of selling netherite ingots and mining to expand his coffers, while his efforts were helped by player Cochonou; allowing the nation to be created merely two weeks following the founding of Twinpeaks.
Early History (10 Jul - 11 Sep 2022)
The nation of Coats was founded on 10 July 2022, in the capital city of Twinpeaks. SgtCartoon had personally selected the late 1800s American colonial style for the theme of the town's buildings, of which he started construction well before Coats was founded. SgtCartoon's insistence of this style eventually resulted in Rule 1 of the residents rules, which prevents Twinpeaks residents from modifying the exterior of their homes.
SgtCartoon and his town members quickly got to work constructing a lively shopping street in the town's center, and advertising efforts for business in Coats began. Much like Kodiak before it, potential store owners had to auction for a shop on the town's main street, with the ownership of the land being rewarded to the highest bidder. SgtCartoon personally owned businesses in the town's center, of which he restocked daily. These developments resulted in Twinpeaks emerging as a major economic center on the server.

Similar to Kodiak, SgtCartoon began the expansion of Twinpeaks into residential housing, while the profits from the shopping center allowed the placement of a Speed II beacon on 24 July 2022.
Diplomatic Expansion
Following the success of the Twinpeaks economic center, the nation of Coats began looking outwards to expand its' influence and be involved in North American affairs. This was most exemplified when Coats finalized it's application for membership in the USA meganation, which was accepted on 7 August 2022. Coats would prove a valuable member in the meganation, so much so that as many as 10 Coats residents were involved in USA elections; and the meganation would collapse following Coats' secession.
Coats officially vassalized the nation of Nunavik with the permission of player Serwatek. This diplomatic event created a foothold for Coats in the Québec peninsula, changing Coats' diplomatic strategy for the future. The nation of Nunavik publicly proclaimed its' desire for a peaceful unification of Québec, which Coats officially supported. This relationship with Nunavik empowered the vassal state to unite New Brunswick into a vassal of itself, creating a unique "vassal of a vassal" situation, propelling Nunavik towards their eventual goal of Québécois unification.
Anime Prohibition
SgtCartoon, a long time anti-anime activist and leader of the former Anti-Anime Gestapo, officially banned all forms of anime in the nation's capital in an official announcement from the Coats government; with the announcement coming on 4 September 2022. SgtCartoon's efforts proved extremely popular within Coats, due to his already running campaign against anime for the Anti-Anime Gestapo.
SgtCartoon held a speech on 7 September 2022 at the Twinpeaks City Hall, where 30 players attended. In the speech, SgtCartoon heralded the beginning of a great "anti-anime war" and used the slogan, #BANIME. SgtCartoon and his Anti-Anime Gestapo intended to stand in direct opposition to the Church of Anime, a church which praised anime.
Rise of Coats (11 Sep - 6 Nov 2022)
Formula 1 Championship
SgtCartoon began construction of an international ice track in Twinpeaks on 19 August 2022, with construction finishing on 21 August. The application to enter Twinpeaks as an official F1 racetrack was accepted, and a race was scheduled for the upcoming month. Due to organizational purposes on the F1 leaderships' part, the race was re-scheduled for 11 September 2022.
On 11 September, the race was held, with video coverage of the event. The race was won by player Omereise, with player Lemoncy reaching second place and player sab2003 achieving third. The race was also the first official championship of Twinpeaks resident and Coats government official Betaking, who achieved ninth place.
League of Nations Membership
Coats officially joined the League of Nations on 28 September 2022, establishing it's position within the international organization, and achieving additional international clout and legitimacy. On top of this, Coats was accepted into the IMA Alliance on 17 October 2022, proclaiming itself as an integral member of the alliance. These two diplomatic actions were apart of an attempt by SgtCartoon to expand his nation's influence in the scope of global affairs.
Cabinet Elections
Although Coats is officially a monarchy under SgtCartoon, residents in Coats occasionally have the ability to run or vote for Cabinet positions in the government, but only when there is a vacant position. Despite these requirements, SgtCartoon often appoints Twinpeaks residents to his Cabinet without any election, calling upon his vast authority granted to him by a lack of a National Constitution.
End of the USA
Inactivity in the USA and SgtCartoon's presidency in the previous month culminated in Coats officially leaving the USA meganation on 29 October 2022, after a long vote held by SgtCartoon among Coats cabinet members. During SgtCartoon's presidency, SgtCartoon created a new discord server for USA, highlighting the beginning of the end for the meganation.
One day following Coats' resignation from the USA, Malso_ officially disbanded the meganation in a 11-0 vote held by USA senators, citing the USA's chronic inactivity and irrelevancy in world affairs.
Ascension to Regional Power (6 Nov 2022 - 31 May 2023)
Québec Unification
Nunavik, a Coats vassal state, made clear its ambitions to unite Québec as its primary foreign policy goal. Nunavik had some success in this endeavor, previously uniting with New Brunswick, but unificiation efforts with Manoia were declined as the nation desired to maintain it's independence. Following Manoia's denial, Nunavik gave the Manoia government 24 hours to accept unification or face a war on 6 November 2022, with no response being recieved within the allocated time period.
With the Nunavik ultimatum denied, Coats honored its' alliance with Nunavik and officially joined the war on 7 November. 2 days later, Coats gave Nunavik full independence from it's former vassal status and recognized the Nunavik leader as the rightful ruler of all of Québec. On top of this, Coats strengthened it's relationship with Nunavik and became it's official ally.
Rise of gite
The player gite was a vastly influential figure within Twinpeaks politics and was given such autonomy that he was able to make town decisions on his own. SgtCartoon, tied up with his real life career and other responsibilities, stepped down as Leader of Coats and granted the title to gite, although SgtCartoon still technically owned the Discord server and town.
gite assumed the responsibility of Leader of Coats and immediately consolidated his influence. He would now make up the majority of activity in the announcements channel on the Discord server, although SgtCartoon was still somewhat active.
On 19 November 2022, the Nunavik army attempted to obtain power from Minehero43, the leader of the nation, through the assassination of key Nunavik leaders. Despite killing multiple players a number of times, the Nunavik army was pushed back by an attack ordered by player Tavi. gite acted quickly in Coats, officially denouncing the attempted coup at 6:09 PM UTC on the Coats discord server.
Frustrated with their failure to secure power, the Nunavik army bought the nation of Acadia and moved the capital city into designated Nunavik borders. This enraged Nunavik leaders, who promptly declared war, with gite declaring war at 12:08 AM UTC. The Nunavik army, now in control of the nation of Acadia, published an official claim map that violated Nunavik and Coats borders, as well as claimed a large part of Québec.
Establishing Official Claims
With the war against Acadia raging on, the extent of the borders of Coats were not clear, making it difficult to establish the justification that Acadia was claiming Coats territory. Due to this fact, gite and SgtCartoon jointly published the official claim map of Coats on 20 November 2022. The claims encompassing the entire Hudson Bay region purposedly violated several nations' territory and placed land that was far out of reach in the official claims.
Despite these claims being somewhat ambitious, the Coats government now had justification to incorporate further towns in mainland North America into it's domain. These claims gave further motivation to convince towns on the mainland to join Coats, expanding the nation's influence and de facto national territory.
These claims were not only recognized as national territory but were prioritised over other nations in official maps by EarthMC Live (EMCL) on 11 May 2023, thanks to BetaPlain's help in the mapmaking. The insistence on these claims resulted in the other nations in the Hudson Bay region being limited to their capital cities, fitting their small amount of influence in the region relative to Coats.
Treaty of Scalford
On 20 November 2022, delegates from Nunavik and Acadia formalized an official treaty for peace. The peace treaty was recognized by SgtCartoon and the Coats government immediately, bringing an end to the war and reaffirming Coats' alliance with Nunavik. Despite the traitorous and rebellious nature of the war, the end of the war and subsequent peace treaty created an aura of hope and reconciliation regarding Coats' relationship with Acadia among SgtCartoon.
The government of Coats is typically directly oversaw by it's Emperor, SgtCartoon. However, the government was de-facto ruled by gite with the title of Leader of Coats while the Emperor was away from EarthMC. The government is also made up of a series of officials called "Cabinet members," who are directly appointed by the Emperor. Cabinet members are called to vote on issues within the Coats discord, but the real power lies with the Emperor.
SgtCartoon is the current and only Emperor of Coats.
Members of Coats government
- SgtCartoon | Governor
- Gite | Member of cabinet
- betaking | Member of cabinet
- karatoss | Member of cabinet
- EnzoLaPute | Member of cabinet