Battle of New Madrid

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Battle of New Madrid

On December 29 Perpignan decided to battle Spain. Pengun78 and his friend CosmicPanther15 went to Spain to fight people.

DethLogik also joined the battle fighting at Perpignan's side later. When DethLogik left and CosmicPanther died, Pengun had to fight the Spaniards on his own. It got well as he mad IronFerreumCubum leave during a 1v1 (pvp log)

32Gold then joined the battle, Cosmic got some of his stuff and was also ready to fight, and DethLogik came back.

Spain refused to fight Perpignan, NS even refused to 1v1 Pengun saying the server lagged and not trusting him as there were 2 other soldiers, even when pengun told them not to fight ns and they agreed ns still refused to fight and came with horrible excuses


Spain killed 1 person of Perpignan

Perpignan killed 5 people of Spain.
