Pontifica (Classic)

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Pontifica was founded on the 3rd of May 2018. As the elections of the Union of Eden were coming up their mayor,

Flag of Pontifica with top-left the flag of the Union of Eden

sterhart, tried to get 3 residents to be able to particpate in it. Unfortunately he didn't came further then 2 residents(including himself).


Pontifica has not paricipated in war yet, but its nation is in war with Lantau.


Pontifica could participate in the elections thanks to Aenstan , the leader of Fortuna . As the leaders both wanted to occupy the seat, a coin had to be flipped. Fortuna's leader won.

After the elections for the parliament seats, the elections for the president began. The leader of the town agreed to the idea of Wangolf , who's running for president, but did not vote for him cause of the idea of buttercupbaby .


The town participated in the canal-project of the President xCptSpiffyx . They dug a canal from Swahili to the river

The created route from Swahili to Pontifica

Zambezi where the town is located to.


As the towns resident didn't come online after joining the server and town once, sterhart decided to tear down his house making room for a statue of the President. He also gave up his non-working shop and built a post-office inside following the idea of President xCptSpiffyx for National Post Services.

Sterhart (talk) 09:47, May 27, 2018 (UTC)