Riverdale (Classic)

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The timeline of Riverdale:

Mid July 2019: The Creation of Riverdale

July 17-18:Town got bombed by AlacrityFitz, rebuilded after that

July 18-23: Town growing and has enough golds to make a nation 1-4am July 24: I made celtic(commuist glory) to councillor then griefed, stole, unclaimed all land of Riverdale.

Morning-Afternoon July 24: Town got rolled back to July 17, Jxker remade the town

Late July: Town still growing and Jxker made a nation but got an error so the nation is named "name", many alts of commuist bombed around the town

August 1: DenzelGrief, the richest guy in Riverdale got banned for lag machine. Some alts bombed around the town.

August 14: I found the end which made the town got access to the end and other August 2-15: Town growing big, i got banned in August 15 for compromised account (i requested)

I cant know more stuff after the ban

Writed by glenmorangie

Post-Glen ban:

After Glenmorangie was banned, many old players such as Qwyll joined Riverdale. Over time, Riverdale expanded largely, and eventually became a huge city. The Name Empire also recruited many new towns that were recently created, and currently consists of 8 active towns. Riverdale is the most active town on the server, and Jxker is now the most powerful man on the server.

Communist_Glory quit EarthMC Classic in mid-August due to joining EarthMC factions and school starting soon. Over time, peace between Name, the World Union, and the Ianic Empire was reached. Although some trolls have stole from Riverdale, Communist_Glory has never returned.

Sep 12th 2019:

Glenmorangie got back the account. Glen's own town in Towny has been stole

Sep 20th:

Glenmorangie got back coucillor from Jxker

Sep 29th:

Glen accidentally left Riverdale


Oct 9th:

Classic shutdown after the crash of Towny serve making Classic players can't play