The Great Australian War (Classic)

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The Great Australian War was the largest war the young nation of Australia had ever been in. 24 - 30 deaths had occurred by its end, gear lost, and many many griefs and arguing. The nations of the Commonwealth (aided by India, and later Alaska) invaded Australia, as “coffee was a retarded leader” or something.


  • Siege of Uluru, Australian Victory
  • Second siege of Uluru, Australian Victory
  • Battle of Karratha, Indian-Alaslan-Kowloon Victory
  • Massarce of South Sydney, Indian-Alaslan-Kowloon Victory
  • Massacre of Hong Kong's Leader by Tufan Agent=


The War dragged on for almost a month, with on-off fighting. In the end, Australia apologised to the commomwealth, achieving peace besides the army saying they could win. This started a dislike of the leaders of Australia.