Aurora:Beenis Island

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Beenis Island
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Town Information
Full Name
Economic System Gold Icon.png Pol Potism
Official Language Englishflag.jpg English
Official Religion Beenism
Government Information
Mayor Ddolf
Political System Crown.png Perfect Anarcho-socialism
Historical Information
Past Nations
Past Mayors
Past Councillors

Beenis island is a large town on the island of Wallis - to the west of Sexland and in the north of Tonga.


Many great explorers have visited the island often mistakenly called Wallis in the past and set up shelter there. None of these settlements have lasted and their fate has faded into obscurity.

Modern history of Beenis island begins with the great Beehad of 2024 which saw radical Beenism fundamentalists conquer the island during the summer of 2024.

Due to the complexities of dealing with countries born out of religious movements the island remains in a disputed status.


The history of Beenis Island is deeply intertwined with the religion of Beenism This happened shortly after Ddolf the conqueror, then a resident of Kuwait had numerous visions showing what he believed to be the true shape of earth, its past and present forms and its interconnection with all the creatures in the universe.

Beenists believe that a devine Island at the edge of the 24h daylight savings border in the pacific was home to Pham - the creator of all living things and all habitable realms. According to Beenist holy scripture this main deity created humans to protect the realm he created, but humans have failed catastrophically in this task. It also contains a prophecy that Pham is due to return on 7.7.2025 to pass judgement over those who have failed in his task. Since he will likely return to the island he once called home, Beenists have taken it upon themselves to restore his domicile to its former glory.

Daily life of believers is determined by the values of Beenism: The duty of all Beenists to pilgrimage to their ancestral land and place at least one dirt block in order to appease their deity. This act or restoring Phams domicile is said to absolve a believing Beenist from his ancestors wrongdoings.

Beenism has countless members[1] around the globe.


B.E.E.N.I.S. Island (often abreviated Beenis Island) stands for Best Ever Existing Nation In the Sea. Numerous misconseptions about a possible innuendo in relation to the name have been repeatedly rebuked by beenist religious schoolars.

Terraforming Allegations

As discussed previously Beenists are adamant that they did not terraform the Island formerly known as Wallis. They merely reverted the terraforming that was the result of years of neglect from all of humanity, letting Beenis Island shrink to the minuscule rock we call Wallis. As Beenists are only restoring their ancestral land to its former glory they are not in no way terraforming or creating artificial islands - because that would be agains server rules and Beenists have sworn to never break server rules.


[1] "Countless" as in "We haven't counted them yet"

See also