
From EarthMC
Revision as of 05:55, 11 September 2024 by elxsiv (talk | contribs)
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Coat of Arms
National Information
Full Name The Grand Republic of Gippsland
Towny Name Gippsland
/n list #0
Formed 25th of August, 2024
National Anthem No matter, what the weather, we're together.
Motto Fortitudo per Unitatem
Population ~50 (Sept 11th, 2024)
Chunks 582
Towns 2
Capital City Bairnsdale
Largest City Bairnsdale
Oldest City Bairnsdale
Region Victoria
Language(s) English (Unofficial)
Religion(s) No official religion (yet)
Discord Official Discord link
Government Information
Political System Meritocratic Republic
Executive Director Owry
Director of Defense RadicalBroskii
Director of Architecture Sa_zza
Director of Infrastructure <unoccupied>
Director of Intelligence NoTrust08
Constitution Yet to be written
Economic System
Army Size
Part of Pilbara
Historical Information
• Event 1 Event 1 Date
• Event 2 Event 2 Date
• Event 3 Event 3 Date
• Event 4 Event 4 Date
• Event 5 Event 5 Date
• Event 6 Event 6 Date

Here you can write general details on your nation, such as location, the date it started, basic history, members, etc. You may want to put specifics only in the infobox of the nation, but it's totally up to you. Because nations are larger and more importantly they also have much higher standards than town or player articles. Nations need a flag and or banner on the wiki, however, there are no standards as long as it's not edgy for no reason or otherwise randomly retarded. It's lenient though and at moderator discretion. This description will probably be much longer than that of other pages. Infoboxes are required.


This section is NOT optional, as it will end up being the bulk of your article. It is however lenient and not much has to be written, as long as it has some subdivisions. Subdividing should be done in longer, broader time periods, and then smaller specific ones. How long or short you want each period to be is totally up to you. At first, using only one subdivision if fine, but unlike player articles nations tend to have a lot of history so it's required to eventually add more. If you have trouble making more subdivisions or writing about the history of the town contact a mod.

Subdividing has always been really inconsistent so this is not final, but it's better to use headings as intended. So for example:


And Sub-heading 2 for specifics 

Italicizing or bolding the first group makes it a lot easier to see in different to the smaller ones so its recommended.

I would not recommend subheading 3 because it looks tiny and makes things weird

otherwise, feel free to write whatever history you want here