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Last update details (date, what was updated)
December 30, 2021

West Russia.png
West Russia mainland.png
National Information
Full Name
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem «Preobrazhensky March»
Motto Съ нами Богъ!
Population 109
Chunks 818
Capital City Stalingrad
Largest City Laenteglos
Oldest City Stalingrad
Government Information
Political System Government monarchy.png Parliamentary monarchy
Economic System
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information

The West Russian Empire is an autonomous sub-meganation located in modern western Russia, being a part of Russian Empire. The main nation was established on 17th June 2021 and it consists of three nations: West_Russia, Greater_Russia and a African colony Malawi


West Russian Empire is specifically located in modern Russian Komi Republic. West Russian Empire has access to Arctic Ocean and has more than 20 cities, with capital being in center of nation. Territory it controls are hilly dense spruce forests. Outside of the mainland they have one colonies: one being african Malawi laying in southern African continent, bordering Tanzanian Empire.


West Russian government is a parliamentary monarchy of Emperor Le_Stalin31 and Prince Felixxy1 although they both can be considered leaders of meganation. Parliament of West Russia consists of selected members, President which is being elected each some regular time and Ministers of: Transport and Construction, Foreign Affairs, Propaganda and Defence. They are tasked with their custom jobs.


June 2021

Backbone of West Russian Empire was Duchy of Izhevsk established back on 17th June 2021 by Le_Stalin. It started to expand throughout the time and it acquired few colonies and provinces. At their very beginning, Izhevsk was nation being in Golden Federation, but in July they left it and declared war to it.

July 2021

In the beginning of July 2021, Russian emperor Limkid began to negotiate with Duchy of Izhevsk about joining Russian Empire. Both sides agreed and Izhevsk became a colony state of Russian Empire. They were dependent on Russia for two months. Leaders were granted Grand Knyazs role and they entered Imperial Assembly. After that, South Russia has joined West Russia as a province.

August 2021

Duchy of Izhevsk and Arkhangelsk successfully unified into one nation. The Russian Emperor Limkid has bought South Russia from Duchy of Izhevsk and South Russia ceases to be a province of Duchy of Izhevsk. In middle of August 2021 the nation had name issues and after being renamed by moderation, they picked new name of Pechora and then West_Russia. First presidential elections occurred with following results: two candidates had nearly same voting result, however, spookyscarytwink had a little more votes and won elections.

September 2021

First President of West Russia resigned because of life issues. One month later, second elections were launched in which Otto_von_Bismar won and became 2nd President.

October 2021

On October 21, 2021, West Russian Empire declared independence from Russian Empire but still were as autonomous part of Russia meganation as other major parts, like Russia itself.

November 2021

Otto_von_Bismar won his second term. This election was last one as the referendum decided about cancelling elections in West Russia. It was due to so-called 'cJ0_o incident' in which an elected president tried to scam West Russia, but failed and left the empire. Malawi which left Tanzanian Empire due to scams and harming their citizens, was later puppeted by West Russia. A week later, Otto_von_Bismar left West_Russia and made his own nation, Greater_Russia which later joined the meganation.

December 2021

North_Ontario joined West Russian Empire as an American colony. This brought Russia meganation as a whole the first possibility to have colonial ambitions - only West Russia had colonized two continents in whole Russia. In 13 December 9 NA nations has sent an ultimatum to Philippines and West Russia, after that North Ontario has left West Russian Empire.



List of cities in West Russia
City Mayor Population Regions
5 Shiclone 1 West_Russia
Syktyvkar Atenshi_ 1 West_Russia
Dicylland Dicyl 1 West_Russia
Bosnia KaiserBruh 1 West_Russia
Mezensky beanospan 1 West_Russia
Stalingrad Le_Stalin31 9 West_Russia
Konoha KaBuKAlp 1 West_Russia
Osero TungaOz 2 West_Russia
Chelsea Noah_Cobain 2 West_Russia
Laenteglos Felixxy1 48 West_Russia
Weebland UcanRaptiye1 12 West_Russia
Naryan_Mar Hanaedral_KeK 1 West_Russia
Budget_Russia roflmajones 1 West_Russia
Yekaterinburg Deubs 1 West_Russia
Agryz Monsterman365 1 West_Russia
Choma Yametha 1 Malawi
Unitax DatSpeed 5 West_Russia
Adolfsburg Otto_von_Bismar 5 Greater_Russia
. Coolgamer6087 1 Greater_Russia
Petrogradyat KalelArbak 1 Greater_Russia
Yaroslavl Dimon_Limon_0504 2 West_Russia
Arkalia Natto0 2 West_Russia
Aphrodisias giannakycc 2 West_Russia