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<p data-rte-fromparser="true"><img data-rte-meta="%7B%22type%22%3A%22image%22%2C%22wikitext%22%3A%22%5B%5BFile%3A2020-04-03.png%7Cthumb%7C233x233px%7CThis%20is%20KawadaJP%20in%20EMC%5D%5D%22%2C%22title%22%3A%222020-04-03.png%22%2C%22params%22%3A%7B%22alt%22%3A%222020-04-03%22%2C%22thumbnail%22%3Atrue%2C%22caption%22%3A%22This%20is%20KawadaJP%20in%20EMC%22%2C%22width%22%3A233%2C%22height%22%3A233%2C%22captionParsed%22%3A%22This%20is%20KawadaJP%20in%20EMC%22%7D%7D" data-rte-instance="1839399-16689562635e877364729d3" alt="" src="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/earthmc2820/images/6/6c/2020-04-03.png/revision/latest?cb=20200403145810" width="184" height="233" class="image thumb withCaption" data-image-name="2020-04-03.png" data-image-key="2020-04-03.png"  type="image" /><br /><!-- RTE::{"spaces":0,"type":"LINE_BREAK"} -->KawadaJP is a citizen of Japan, the Mayor of Sendai, Imperial Advisor to Synargle, and the former Prime-Minister. <br /></p><p data-rte-fromparser="true" data-rte-empty-lines-before="1">In Japan, he is known for being one of the ethnic Japanese, and is incredibly loyal to Japanese culture. He is also very adept in the Japanese build style. He is also known for being able to mine ridiculous amounts of gold in short periods of time.<br /></p><p /><br /><!-- Saved in parser cache with key earthmc917:rte-parser-cache:14248 -->
<p data-rte-fromparser="true">KawadaJP is a citizen of Japan, the Mayor of Sendai, Imperial Advisor to Synargle, and the former Prime-Minister. <br /></p><p data-rte-fromparser="true" data-rte-empty-lines-before="1">In Japan, he is known for being one of the ethnic Japanese, and is incredibly loyal to Japanese culture. He is also very adept in the Japanese build style. He is also known for being able to mine ridiculous amounts of gold in short periods of time.<br /></p><p /><br /><!-- Saved in parser cache with key earthmc917:rte-parser-cache:14248 -->

Revision as of 19:34, 3 April 2020

KawadaJP is a citizen of Japan, the Mayor of Sendai, Imperial Advisor to Synargle, and the former Prime-Minister. 

In Japan, he is known for being one of the ethnic Japanese, and is incredibly loyal to Japanese culture. He is also very adept in the Japanese build style. He is also known for being able to mine ridiculous amounts of gold in short periods of time.