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Originally founded by GranCapitan and EphixaTR, Spain has been a nation full of controversy on EarthMC Terra Aurora. Spain is now owned by player [[Ouched]]. Spain is fully democratic with presidential elections taking place monthly. Spain is most notable for being involved in lots of conflict in the past -- most well known for the Spanish Civil War.
Originally founded by GranCapitan and EphixaTR, Spain has been a nation full of controversy on EarthMC Terra Aurora. Spain is now owned by player [[Ouched]]. Spain is fully democratic with presidential elections taking place monthly. Spain is most notable for being involved in lots of conflict in the past -- most well known for the Spanish Civil War.

Revision as of 23:27, 30 December 2022

National Information
Full Name
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Capital City
Largest City
Oldest City
Government Information
Political System
Economic System
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information

Originally founded by GranCapitan and EphixaTR, Spain has been a nation full of controversy on EarthMC Terra Aurora. Spain is now owned by player Ouched. Spain is fully democratic with presidential elections taking place monthly. Spain is most notable for being involved in lots of conflict in the past -- most well known for the Spanish Civil War.


Castille-Aragon Unification

Though not much is documented during this brief period of Spanish history, it is well known that Spain was to be founded by GranCapitan in the town of Trujillo in the Castillian region of Spain. Conflict struck however, between GranCapitan and another player, EphixaTR (formerly Madrid), who also had intentions on being the creator and owner of Spain. Eventually, these players agreed to co-rule Spain together, as a royal monarchy duo. EphixaTR was, at this time, the owner of the nation of Spain.

Britain Acquires Spain (June 26th, 2022)

EphixaTR and GranCapitan had unchecked power in Spain at this time. Being short on gold due to their on-going conflict with Gibraltar, a large southern Spanish town, the pair decided to become a British Territory to raise gold. This was met with the despair of many Spanish citizens. They had not checked with their peers before selling off to Spain, rather they cruelly announced to the Spanish Public that Spain was now going to be an "independent protectorate of Britain."

Spanish King, GranCapitan announces the British acquisition of Spain.

Despite the claims of a non-invasive British involvement in Spain, they had essentially sold the nation of to Britain for a measly 3000 gold. Spain was handed over to British Royalty Member, obbw, who was supposedly going to be Prince of Spain. Nation spawn was moved now to obbw's town, Aranjuez, directly bordering the north side of Madrid.

Initially, the Spanish Public were open-minded to this deal, with the British making many attempts at befriending the Spaniards. Nonetheless, it became clear that the British were inactive players and that with them in charge, Spain could get nothing done -- Ministry elections were halted, never to be brought back, the nation spawn was never made useful to the Spanish nation... the list goes on. This is when the split in Spanish history occurs.

The Formation of Iberia (July 27th, 2022)

During this time of great unease, players Ouched (previously Goqts) of Barcelona, Valencians (previously Papi_Jaquaivus) and WoolGnu9695553 of Valencia began saving to create a new nation, one that was free of the tyranny of the British. These players acquired the gold necessary to create the nation and began reaching out to other, like-minded Spanish players (most notably Huxf and BogSnorkler (previously Benjeep) of Almeria, and Kroeguld of Fenrir. Together, the six created a new nation, Iberia under an oligarchical governmental system controlled by the Council, which consisted of Iberia's founding members. Directly after doing so, Iberia declares independence from Britain.

Iberian Creation
Founding Towns of Iberia (Council Members)

Around this time, Ouched's town is renamed from Vella to Barcelona, as the original Barcelona (of Switzerland) falls into ruins.

The Formation of Al_Andalus (July 28th, 2022)

1 day after the creation of Iberia, Gibraltar mayor, xDoly15 creates his nation of Al_Andalus. Al_Andalus and Iberia quickly join an alliance with one another in attempts to bring down British Spain.

British Spain Declares War on Iberia (July 28th, 2022)

British Spain, along with their British counterparts declare war on the newly formed "rebel nation" Iberia.

Spanish King, EphixaTR declares war on newly founded nation, Iberia
Spain Declares War on Iberia

Shortly after, Al_Andalus declares war on British Spain in support of their Iberian allies. This is the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.

Spanish Civil War (July 28th, 2022 - August 8th, 2022)

The Civil War was a largely diplomatic war, though it had it's fair share of battles, which, for the most part, were not documented too well. There was one major battle, though, that turned the tides: The Battle of Burgos.

The Battle of Burgos (July 29th, 2022)

The Battle of Burgos is a key moment in the civil war -- there are a few reasons why this is. The main reason being that all three parties of the civil were involved: Iberia, Spain, and Al_Andalus. Leaders of all four nations were involved in this battle, with notable

participants being 32FatNeek (King of Britain), obbw (Owner of Spain), EphixaTR (King of Spain), Ouched (Owner of Iberia//Council Member), Huxf (Council of Iberia), Bogsnorkler (Council Member), Valencians (Council Member). There were many other

citizens of each nation involved in this battle too. It was the only battle of it's kind with all four nation leaders being involved.

The Battle of Burgos

The Battle of Burgos was fought in between the towns of Aranjuez/Madrid and Burgos -- all of which were British Spain towns. This led to lots of claim trapping. Despite this, the Iberian and Andalusian soldiers marched forth and fought. During the battle,

EphixaTR was killed by Ouched, Valencians was killed by EphixaTR, and 32FatNeek was killed by xDoly15. There were many, many other deaths from all sides, however, the British and Spanish saw the most casualties in the battle. This led to the Iberians and

Andalusians claiming a decisive victory at The Battle of Burgos.

Iberia Surpasses Spain (July 29th, 2022)

Shortly after the Battle of Burgos, many towns realize the error of Spain's new ways and flip over to the nation of Iberia. On this day, Iberia officially surpasses Spain in both residents and chunk size.

Iberia Gains the Upper Hand
Iberia Surpasses Spain in claims and residents.

Diplomatic Gains (July 29th, 2022 - August 6th, 2022)

Many small skirmishes took place between these time periods, with lots of conflict and spotlight of this conflict in the public eye and media. Despite this, no large, notable battles truly took place during this time largely due to the inactivity and discoordination of Spain and Britain. Lots of negotiation attempts took place between Iberia and Britain for independence, but each time, these talks flamed out in insults and anger. Lots of claimblocking took place (e.g. Alcaraz of Britain), and overall this time involved a lot of financial and claim battles along with diplomacy towards other town owners.

32FatNeek is Banned (August 6th, 2022)

32Fatneek, the King of Britain is banned on this day, causing many more towns to leave Spain and join Iberia. Public support for Iberia is at an all time high. The Iberian Council makes an announcement:

32Fatneek, King of Britain, is banned from EarthMC.

Iberian Victory of the Civil War (August 6th, 2022-August 8th, 2022)

Throughout this 3 day period, the final remaining strongholds (e.g. Burgos, Salamanca, etc.) of British Spain eventually come to join Iberia. On August 8th, 2022, Iberia declares victory over the civil war and independence as well as the legitimate Spain. Iberia additionally reaches nation list page one. The Iberian council offers a plea deal to Britain:

Iberia Declares Victory Over the Spanish Civil War

Iberia demonstrated a clear show of power in their decisive, rapid victory over the British in the civil war. As a result, they name the 8th of each month as their independence day, which is also the day that their elections take place each month. The British go on to decline their plea deal and hold on onto the nation of Spain and their remaining claimblock towns to spite the new Iberian victors. This would engage the Iberians in a many month long journey to take their rightful name of Spain and to acquire the few remaining claimblock towns, most notably, Alcaraz. After the war, tensions began to rise between Iberia and Al_Andalus with the both of them butting heads at every which turn.

Iberia Goes Inactive

Sadly, after winning the war, due to school and college apps, the council of Iberia goes largely inactive for a large period of time, causing the remaining active members of Iberia to join Al_Andalus. In light of this, Al_Andalus is renamed to Spanish Kingdom. During this time, the Al_Andalusian king, xDoly15, is banned, prompting civil strife within Spanish_Kingdom, Spanish_Kingdom holds an election for who will lead and own the nation after the banning of xDoly15, and a player, Ushkaa, wins the election and is the new King of Spanish Kingdom.

Iberian Council Returns to Form (November 24th, 2022)

On the 24th, the council of Iberia announces their thoughts on the now powerhouse nation, Spanish Kingdom, and with this announcement, once again become invested in EarthMC, hoping to have diplomatic talks with Spanish_Kingdom, which, for the most part, fell through at every turn. Iberia and Spanish_Kingdom had struggles seeing eye to eye.

Iberia Acquires Spain (November 27th, 2022)

At some point during Iberia's sabbatical from EarthMC, Spain was sold to the king of Italy, Lervain. Lervain hoped to create a new Spain powerhouse under him as a monarch, but quickly realized that this would not be possible in arguably one of the most tense areas on EarthMC. After realizing this, Lervain, who disliked the leaders of Spanish_Kingdom, struck up a deal with the Council of Iberia: Spain, along with the town of Aurora (formerly Aranjuez), would be sold to Iberia for 3600 gold and the nation of Iberia. This trade was made promptly after some trips to the mines, and Iberia became Spain. Lervain, now owning Iberia, renamed the nation to Luxor and moved it far away from the Iberian Peninsula.

Spain and Spanish Kingdom Unify (December 24th, 2022 - December 27th, 2022)

After lots of talks and disagreement, finally, the Council of Spain announces that they had been working with Ushka (Owner of Spanish Kingdom), Kvrck (Madrid, Spanish Kingdom Noble), and Jupiter552 (Burgos, Spanish Kingdom Noble), and they had come to terms of unification. Spanish Kingdom and Spain finally unify, bringing an end to civil strife within the Iberian Peninsula, and finalizing a long-running saga of division of power and greed.

Spain and Spanish Kingdom Unify

Terms of Agreement

The terms of agreement for this unification would be that Spain goes fully democratic. The Council of Spain effectively would forfeit their power, and their new function would be to run elections and make sure that no one ruler can do too much harm to Spain. The president of Spain, who would be elected by the people, would be the true holder of power in Spain. Seeing as this deal finalized on the 24th of December, it was agreed upon that Ushka would be the first president until January 8th, 2023.



Spain is a democracy, with elections being held each month. There is an independent, powerless party, called the council, which administers these elections and prevents corruption.


Ushkaa (November 24th, 2022 -- January 8th, 2022) 

Council Members:


Constitution of Spain


From being known as rebels,  forming the nation Iberia to challenge the loss of our independence and  now reclaiming our nation from our negligent british rulers & uniting with the other breakaway nation of Spanish Kingdom, we write this constitution to give the Spanish peoples the rights and freedoms they are entitled to by birthright.

Article 1 -- National Sovereignty

Spain will never give up its sovereignty henceforth, nor will it ever be under the control of any other nation. We will be ruled by our people. Never will the horrid mistakes made in the past will happen with this reformed nation.

Article 2 -- Regulations

Spain is to be regulated by its government, which was designed and structured upon the new age of Spain.

Government will regulate:

  • Overseas territories
  • Borders
  • Foreign Diplomacies
  • Internal Strifes
  • Funding
  • Projects

Article 3 -- Laws

The laws of the lands are quite simplistic and subject to change, updates within the constitution as a whole will always be announced to the Citizens.

  1. It’s illegal to kill any other Spanish Citizen without just-cause. Response is judged by the Prime Minister or  responsible Minister if appointed, evidence is reviewed and the story of both parties involved questioned.
  2. It’s forbidden to steal from any other Spanish Citizen. There is never an excuse to this, if someone steals from you, to do the same doesn’t hold you in different standing to the accused.
  3. Treat all other citizens with respect, if you’re found to be stirring up trouble deliberately at the cost of others you will be judged by the government on your actions.

If any laws are broken, report to the government and an investigation will take place to find out what happened and finally if found guilty it will result in a warning, fine or banishment from Spain.

Article 4 -- Democracy

Elections are to be held on the 8th of every month, the significance being the day our Independence was won. The election will be to appoint a new President, this President has control of all regulations as stated above. In extreme cases including but not limited to war, exile and allying with other nations a vote will be cast with all mayors and council present, a ⅔ majority  needed for the decision to pass.  

There are no other mandatory government positions however if a President see’s fit they may appoint roles to other members of the nation if they agree to the position. These positions can be announced throughout the President's term and run to the end of their term. At the end of the term if there is a new Prime Minister voted in they have the power to remove the Ministers/roles or to appoint new ministers/roles as they see fit.

The role of President is the highest ranking that can be achieved by any Spanish citizen. Their job is to ultimately serve the people of Spain and bring about the progression of our nation. All elections will be managed by the Council of Democratic Integrity , who will hold power over the election process to ensure there’s no corruption within the government & delays in re-election of parties. The Council will oversee the voting process and collect votes from all Spanish Citizens, the winning parties will be placed within the Spanish Government and receive their relative role. A member of the Council of Democratic Integrity is able to run for President.

The runner-up of the election will be awarded the role of Vice President of Spain.

Article 5 -- Territories

All members and owners of Spanish Territories will be given the same rights as Spanish Citizens and will be able to participate in government activity and elections. They’re seen as merely an extension of our territory.

Article 6 -- Impeachment

If the Mayors of Spain and the Council of Democratic Integrity  feel as though the current Prime Minister is not fulfilling their duties or have used their power unjustly, an impeachment process can start. A vote will be cast and if it passes with a ¾ majority the Prime Minister will be removed from office. An emergency cabinet will be appointed in this case.

Article 7 -- Amendments

If the occasion arises that amendments must be made to the Spanish Constitution there is a process in place to bring about change. A proposal of policy change is suggested and is then discussed between the Minister/s and the Council. A vote is taken and if unanimous then amendments will be made.

To keep the integrity of the Spanish Government, all proceedings for amendments must be made public to the citizens and will be kept archived for the history of our nation.

Article 8 -- The Spanish Central Bank

The Spanish Central Bank controls all financial matters of the country, this includes Debt Financing, Debt Issuing, Acquisitions of other towns/nations on behalf of Spain, Mergers and Acquisitions of towns/nations on behalf of other nations and internal loans.

  • Debt Financing - Involves the raising of capital from other nations to use in national projects agreed upon by the government.
  • Debt Issuing - The Spanish Central Bank may also issue capital to other nations based on an agreed rate of interest and collateral.
  • Acquisitions of other towns/nations on behalf of Spain - The Bank will  finance and negotiate acquisitions of towns or foreign territories.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions of towns/nations on behalf of other nations - The Spanish Central Bank may act as an intermediary for other nations or towns who are looking to merge or acquire other towns/nations for an agreed rate of commission.
  • Internal Loans - Spanish Citizens may apply for loans through the funding request channel, this will be funded by the Central Bank and the Interest if any decided by the Central Bank.

Funding - The funds of the Central Bank will be composed of capital gained through the streams listed above and donations from Spanish Citizens not Taxes, there will be a fountain in the nation's Capital to donate gold to the Central Bank.


  • Guam
  • Atlas Cove
  • Atlantic
  • Spanish_Kingdom