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South America
Coat of Arms
National Information
Full Name South America
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Capital City Port Hope
Largest City
Oldest City
Government Information
Political System We ain't got one.
Economic System
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information

South America is a nation on the northeast coast of the South American continent formed during EMC's Decay Era. The nation is currently under siege by Brazil, and must fight each day for the right to exist.


South America was formed by rebels fleeing the tyranny of Brazil and disillusioned with the blatant dishonesty present throughout the entire leadership/administration.

Finding sanctuary in Port Hope, these same rebels bravely fought back against the savage noobs of Brazil, defending the city long enough to secure sufficient gold for a nation. On November 27, less than two weeks after being ousted by Brazil, the first truly free nation in the region was formed… South America.


In Port Hope Johnny controls all . If you piss enough people off we'll kick you out. There probably won't be a vote, so just don't be a dick. we are anarchists. We just want to play the game our way without anyone telling us what to do.


South America has two military members, Zencraft123 and Gorxem. They're responsible for sniffing out the putrid smell of Brazilian noobs in the wild and ending their miserable little lives.


South America chases that bag. At the moment the nation is set up like a massive factory floor. Everyday we try to beat our nation record for 'most gold earned in a day'. Current exports are concrete, glass, wool, leather, slime, string, and maxed god sets wrenched from the trembling hands of Brazilians who wandered a little too far from home.


Notable People

We got three main peeps:

  • Johnnydeputy (Founded Port Hope)
  • Gorxem (Killed uncountable Brazilians)
  • Zencraft123 (Feared by Brazil)