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== The Union of Socialist Soviet Republics (USSR) ==
The Union of Socialist Soviet Republics otherwise known as the USSR is a federal Union of Socialist Soviet Towns, founded by the Soviet Republic of Petrograd July 2017. There are Soviet republics (towns) in geographic Iran, Russia, Belorussia/Belarus, Mongolia, India and Lithuania. The capital of the USSR is Petrograd which is also the founding town of the USSR. The biggest town is [[Karakorum]]. The general politics of the USSR can be summed up as the defence and expansion of Soviet democracy.
The Union of Socialist Soviet Republics otherwise known as the USSR is a federal Union of Socialist Soviet Towns, founded by the Soviet Republic of Petrograd July 2017. There are Soviet republics (towns) in geographic Iran, Russia, Belorussia/Belarus, Mongolia, India and Lithuania. The capital of the USSR is Petrograd which is also the founding town of the USSR. The biggest town is [[Karakorum]]. The general politics of the USSR can be summed up as the defence and expansion of Soviet democracy.

Revision as of 00:52, 22 August 2017

The Union of Socialist Soviet Republics (USSR)

The Union of Socialist Soviet Republics otherwise known as the USSR is a federal Union of Socialist Soviet Towns, founded by the Soviet Republic of Petrograd July 2017. There are Soviet republics (towns) in geographic Iran, Russia, Belorussia/Belarus, Mongolia, India and Lithuania. The capital of the USSR is Petrograd which is also the founding town of the USSR. The biggest town is Karakorum. The general politics of the USSR can be summed up as the defence and expansion of Soviet democracy.


Founded July 2017 the USSR was founded as a response to the nation of Ireland demanding Petrograd's gold. They refused and founded a nation instead. Ireland eventually disappeared as the primary threat as reactionary forces on the server united to attack the newly created Soviet state; led by the reactionary Moskau. They built a fortress outside of Petrograd along aside Ireland on a hill to the west of Smnoly Institute. The attackers got bored as the USSR would not indulge them by keeping pvp off and creating some sort of primitive defences to keep them out of the city. Everything was cleaned up but Ireland's outpost in Petrograd was expanded to the point of claiming large parts of St. Petersburg proper; including where the Winter Palace and Putlov factory would've been. As a response, the Soviet republic of Minsk was founded south of Petrograd as a member of the USSR. July also the town Annapoora in India joined the soviet union as a republic, furthermore, the USSR in this period made lasting relationships with Karakorum, CMS, Egypt and other nations. Karakorum and England joined USSR later on in August.

August 2017; the USSR expanded further the NiavaranIran town become a Soviet republic joining the union as the first foothold in the middle east. Additionally, Karakorum left its nation due to internal conflicts and overtime saw the benefits of Soviet democracy, joining the USSR as a federal republic. With 5 members and other waiting to join the union, it became clear a constitution was necessary to define the political order, August 10th elections were held over a draft constitution and passed without in its entirety.



The USSR is a federal republic with the political system based on the ideas of Lenin and Trotsky for the historical USSR; the whole constitution is a rip off from the Soviet 1918 Constitution. The Soviet Union is a balance of representative and direct democracy based on the example of Soviet democracy in the Russian revolution, with active councils or soviets for each republic electing one representative to the EC (executive committee) from their town. While also all citizens of the USSR are a member of the congress of soviets and are able to vote and submit motions. The executive committee implements the wishes of the of the congress of soviets and can make fast decisions as in the matter of war or too meaningless to be approved. Furthermore; the EC is responsible to plan the economy throughout the whole USSR, according to the needs and interests of each federal republics.

The premier of the USSR is Trotsky, the founder of the Bolshevik party.


All citizens of the USSR make up the congress of soviets and are allowed to submit motions at anytime which is to be submitted to an election as organised by the Premier. Though the direct democracy of the congress of soviets is balanced out by the election of presidents from each local town Soviet (council) which is the executive power, unlike representative democracy these representatives can be removed by the right of recall.

Membership requirements

The Soviet Union welcomes all nations to become member states in the union as equal under the conditions of coming becoming Soviet republics. The constitution defines Soviet republics and demands the following as membership requirement in article 1:

  1. The USSR declares itself a Union of Soviet Republics (Soviet towns) which are defined within these guidelines, these are also the guideline for membership

a. Each republic (town) is Each republic must have a constitution, and be run by the rule of law, not tyrants. (You are welcome to copy Petrograd’s constitution)

b. Private ownership of the means of production and profiteering is outlawed, meaning private ownership of farms, mines or any other means of acquiring resources.

c. Each town must have discord server within the nation discord, named in the following way (town) Soviet. (Soviet means Council)

d. Each republic should be run by a president, elected or at least supported by the people

Interested in Joining the USSR contact Trotsky through discord username borgartrotskyist or contact the USSR either through in-game chat or the discord Server for the USSR.


USSR has a planned economy existing of warehouses where republics can get needed materials such as wood, stone and food from each other.