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{{Infobox_nation|title1 = Russia|image1 = New Russian Flag.jpg|caption1 = Flag of Russia|leader: = Kaiser runnerboy72000|capital: = Petrograd|political_system: = Absolute Monarchy|economic_system: = All of them|/n_list_page: = i dont know|standing_army: = this many|world_power: = W0kism will guide us}}
{{EnhancedNation|color=blue|name=Russian Empire|title1=|image1=[[File:Russian Empire Flag.jpg|300px]]|image2=[[File:Coat of arms of the Russian Empire.png|300px]]|image3=[[File:MapOfRussianEmpire1-11-2020.png|300px]]|eras={{Eras|turmoil}}|hideb=|full_name=|national_anthem=[; «God Save the Tsar!»]|name_in_towny=|motto=|population=👥 187|chunks=2982|n_list_page=|capital_city=[[Moscow]], [[Saint Petersburg]]|largest_city=[[Petrograd]]|oldest_city=|disbanded=|established=October 26, 2020|leader=[[File:Toporkov.png|20px]] '''Emperor''' Toporkov
[[File:ItzNotNeon.png|20px]] '''Emperor''' ItzNotNeon|prime_minister=[[File:Blackcrow1945-2.png|20px]] '''Grand Duke''' [[Francon | Elgik]]|political_system=[[file:Government_monarchy.png|30px]] Constitutional monarchy|economic_system=[[File:Gold Icon.png]] Capitalism|official_language={{Russian}}

== Overview ==
Russia is a nation under the rule of Austria.

== Old Russia ==
{{German}}|official_religion=[[file:russiaorthodox.png|18px]] Orthodoxy;
In the first half of 2017 the nation Soviet, later renamed to Russia, dominated the region. Their leader was very wealthy and was able to rival nations like PWW and Sweden, until the nation was essentially killed off by the staff. The nation fell due to inactivity in either late june, or early july of 2017.

== Civil War Period (actualish war) ==
The collapse of Soviet and many of the towns in the region led to a massive power vacuum in russia. The town Khabarovsk created the slavic federation and was able to get the young town of petrograd to join them. During this time Finland invaded and was eventually defeated by Petrograd after the federation created massive cobble monsters around their capital. Soon after this, Abkhazia, a town along the black sea that up till this point had been very quiet and neutral started a conflict with the Slavic Federation after runnerboy72000 bedbombed Morganfam, the chancellor of the slavic federation. This led to the federation attacking Abkhazia. The slavic federation temporarily joined the International Union before reforming their nation. But Petrograd formed their own nation this time, the USSR. While this was happening the USHR was formed by madrid in spain. The founding of the USSR led the town of moskau, who had been griefed by Petrograd a couple times before, to invade. This caused the battle of petrograd where a coalition of players attacked the city of Petrograd, the battle opened up with Abkhazia burning down the forest around the city( somehow players got confused and thought petrograd burnt their own forest, this led the coalition to gain support from many major players because they liked the forest and used it for logging a lot) Petrograd was able to defend its town and the coalition built a big fort outside the city. Runnerboy72000 then formed the Russian Empire out of his small black sea focused nation and Moskau joined it. Runnerboy announced the Dual monarchy of russia and moskau was quickly attacked and griefed (again) by Petrograd. This led to Abkhazia making a fort just south of Petrograd to allow an easy counter offensive in the event of future attacks. While this was happening Petrograd angered Ireland and so ireland made a huge claimblock against petrograd. Petrograd soon afterwords claimblocked the expanding fort owned by Abkhazia. This led to Abkhazia closing the Petrograd canal which the USSR relied on for trade with their more inland towns. There were several more griefs against all major cities involved in the conflicts and eventually moskau and Petrograd went relatively inactive.

== Kind of Stable Era ==
[[file:Gachism.png|18px]] Gachism
As the USSR slowly died out, Russia saw relative peace. Eventually after lucled destroyed the german Empire he was invited to russia by runnerboy72000. Eventually a war day was announced but runnerboy72000 was out of town on the day, and since Moskau was relatively inactive he gave the nation to lucled for the war day. Afterwords lucled gave the nation back (reluctantly) after about a week lucled decided he wanted to own russia so he used a glitch to steal all of the nation's gold and kick every town except Abkhazia. The major towns rejoined the nation and runnerboy72000 used the near collapse to turn Russia into the European Union.

== EU Era ==
The EU quickly grew but runnerboy was careful to keep the russian's in the majority in decision making. The nation caused a massive shift in power in Europe. The EU and the newly united Germany had a sort of cold war for dominance over the continent. This led to the creation of the Council of Europe which was germany's way of trying to use regionalism to contain the EU which at this point was the second largest nation on the server and controlled about half of europe. Runnerboy had the long inactive USSR destroyed and claimed over the ruins of Petrograd. The EU fought wars with Spain to secure influence in Iberia, and was moving into position to attack Persia and Germany, but due to the growing divide within the nation between more peaceful leaning players and the warlords like runnerboy and frank. On top of this various states in the Union began to want independence. Out of no where, the nation ended in early december 2017 while it was the second largest, and one of the strongest nations on the server at the time.

== CCCP ==
Any religion is allowed|army_size=29|past_leaders=|past_capitals=|dominions=Russian_Dominion
Periano built the CCCP out of its old remains after the october war and became the dominant power in Siberia, at one point the nation pulled together a 20 man army to crush a EU/Commonwealth joint attack. However the nation slowly died out after staff banned periano for a month for "toxicity"
Tzarist_Ukraine}}The '''Russian Empire''' (Russian: ''Российская империя'') is the largest state in Eastern Europe, which was formed during the unification of [[Muscovy|Russia]] and [[Tzarist Russia]].

== Revolt ==
Member country of the [[Greater Roman Empire (GRE)|GRE]].  
During the EU's conquest of Europe, the players in russia felt kind of forgotten by the nation, and Tsar Alexander and Nikolai pushed for independence, but randomly (some say it was funded by germany in order to destabilise the EU) (some say it was funded by oliveer the EU's chancellor due to a lack of care for the region) but a random town in Siberia called St Petersburg declared independence and created the nation Russia. Runnerboy and Nikolai responded by leading a raid on the town. Nikolai quickly burnt the nearby forests and the small group attacked the town. Runnerboy then had to log off for a bit and during this time, Nikolai got warned for the fire and decided emc had gotten boring, left russia to make an indian nation but quickly went inactive. Runnerboy logged back on to about 6 people defending the city, some staff who were anti EU, some mercenaries who were known for joining any battle possible. Runnerboy fought the group for a minute but then had to log off again. The nation Russia sat as a small, 2 or 3 town nation in siberia until the EU fell.

== Era of Unification ==
The Russian Empire has two capitals: [[Moscow]] and [[Saint Petersburg]]. The largest cities of the Russian Empire are Minsk, Petrograd, New_Bonsville, Velsk, Saint Petersburg, and Moscow.
After the EU collapsed, lucled managed to get mmost of the major groups and towns in the region to join the nation Russia promising things like autonomy. Most towns joined. The CCCP never joined the nation due to their disliking and distrust towards lucled. Abkhazia joined for the claim bonus but quickly left when the claim bonus ended and Russia got mad at Abkhazia over a declaration of war against spain for zqppy stealing abkhazian villagers.

== Era of Organization ==
== '''History''' ==
After successfully unifying, it came clear that Russia would need its own secure government, military, and allies. After many propositions, Constitutional Monarchy was chosen to fit best with what the Russian people wanted.

Every month a new President is elected as well as Nation and Economic cabinet leaders. Each of these roles are passed out through voting systems. Only the Russian people are allowed to vote. Russia's military grew in strength after [[xWaazes]], mayor of [[Minsk]] arrived to join Russia. He pledged himself to the organization of Russia's military strength. This military power was used during the [[Soviet-Russian War]], a long-lasting war that saw the Soviet_union under [[Periano]] collapse and Russia continue to rise.
=== '''October 2020''' ===
On October 26, 2020, Tsar of Russia [[ItzNotNeon]], Prime Minister of Russia [[Limkid]] and Tsar of Tsarist Russia [[Kraznov]], head of SPQR [[CorruptedGreed]] signed an agreement under which Russia and Tsarist Russia were United into a single state — the Russian Empire. The signing of this Treaty put an end to the long-standing feud between both sides and gave an opportunity to look at Eastern Europe in a different way: a huge giant with two capitals appeared on the map: Moscow and St. Petersburg.

== The Great Purge ==
On October 27, the High Council of the Russian Empire, [[Francon|Elgik]], proposed to the Senate for approval a large-scale project to reform the structure of public administration. 93.75% of senators supported the reform, 6.25% voted against it. the Reforms abolished the post of the High Council and created a Cabinet of Ministers, the post of Prime Minister and Governor, and a regional Duma was established in each region. Also, an office was created, consisting of counts who oversee the power in the districts.
After the EarthMC updated and over 8000 inactive residents were purged throughout the server, many nation including Russia, Canada, Spain, Alaska were affected, losing hundreds of citizens each, as well as the deletion of old towns. Russias population was over 600 which was brought down to 219, although still largest in population as every other nation was also drastically affected. Russia then sent out settlers to reclaim old abandoned towns in regional Russia.

== Minor Decline ==
From 28 to 30 October, the election of the Prime Minister was held, in which the high Council Elgik won with 90.91% of the total turnout.
During this time Hero, the Tsar became more inactive, before finally abdicating and leaving the server, but Russia stood together, although not as powerful as it once was it was still one of the largest nations and a major world power. Russia also made treaty agreements with SPQR and for a while had disagreements with Germany and Austria. During this time WextraMC became elected leader and slowly started gaining power within Russia.

== The Russian Reincarnation ==
== '''Government''' ==
As the decline of the Russian motherland had been going on for months, the abdication of Tsar [[Hero5232]] only made things worse. As the new Tsar, [[lucled]] became Tsar he chose to give President [[WextraMC]] all the power. Russia became a dictatorship. Stuff only became worse as some foreign government disagreed with the leader. The imprisonment of [[Crevel]], a government official who spoke against Wextra, was the last straw and Tsar [[lucled]] made Vice President [[xWaazes]] choose who would have the power, WextraMC or lucled. xWaazes chose Wextra and a civil war broke out. xWaazes saw no opportunity in the war because the pro-Tsar forces out-numbered the Wextraists and xWaazes switched sides, and supported the return of power to the Tsar. Upon the surrender lucled gave the position of Preseident to xWaazes and they both tried to force WextraMC to transfer the power back to lucled and xWaazes. WextraMC refused.
The system of government of the Russian Empire consists of sufficiently developed branches of government. This is an original system that combines autocracy and democracy.

As [[lucled]] and [[xWaazes]] saw no opportunity in negotiating with [[WextraMC]] any more they decided to kick all towns from Russia, thus collapsing Russia, and give birth to Tsarist Russia (Later Renamed Russia). This new nation quickly overcame and reunited Russia under it, with the power resting in Tsar lucled and government leader xWaazes.
There are two emperors in Russia: Toporkov and ItzNotNeon. This decision was made during the unification of Nations. They will also have two successors. In the case of disputed decisions, when the tsars cannot reach a common result, the Prime Minister gets the third vote. Emperors cannot be deprived of their throne and deposed, as this is illegal.

== The Rebirth of Russian Tsardom ==
=== '''Prime Minister''' ===
After Russia collapsed, a new Russia was born, this Russia would prove to be more stable and organized, thus leading to large towns such as [[Elding]] and [[Svitjod]] joining and [[Fourthland]] rejoining. Russia was becoming large once again!
The Prime Minister of the Russian Empire is elected in national elections every three months. At the moment, the position of Prime Minister of Russia is held by Elgik. The Prime Minister directs the Executive and legislative branches of government. All Ministers, princes, senators, governors, and regional Dumas are subordinate to him. He has the right to pass laws with the approval of the Senate, dismiss governors, change the composition of regions, command troops, control foreign policy, approve economic plans, and much more. Can be dismissed by the tsars.

== Russian Civil War ==
=== '''Government''' ===
On the 24th of June shortly following the Seaterrica Massacre (Which featured the [[2nd Axis Powers|Axis]] alliance's forces and Russia against [[Seaterrica]], a major Axis-and-Allied defeat by Seaterrica), the Tsardom of Russia was overthrown by [[Crevel]], then government leader. This occurred when lucled (Nicholas_II) gave a renamed [[St. Petersburg]] to Crevel which in turn gave him the nation as well. Tsar lucled was planning on moving to when real-life St. Petersburg is and remaking a new grand capital, but then Crevel declared himself Tsar.
The Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Empire consists of Ministers who are appointed by the Prime Minister with the approval of the Senate. Each Minister is responsible for their area of activity and can be dismissed by the Prime Minister or the Tsar.  

Crevel's first action as Tsar of Russia was to end Russia's participation in the current war against Seaterrica and join as allies with [[Seaterrica]]. In response to this multiple towns and residents left Russia and joined a new Russia - Tsarist Russia (led by lucled) - under the pretense that Russia was going communist due to its newly formed relations with Seaterrica. The two Russia's, Tsarist Russia and Russia enemied each other, with Russia supporting Seaterrica and Tsarist Russia against Seaterrica.
==== '''Composition of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Empire (11.2020)''' ====

== Return of the Old Tsar ==
* '''Prime Minister''' — Elgik
While he was bored, runnerboy72000 bought the deed to the Russian nation name from Crevel for a sum of 250 gold. Upon acquiring this, runner pronounced himself (once again) the Tsar of Russia but this time as an Austrian vassal because Austria is cool; thus bringing the guy who accidentally caused this mess of a nation back into power.
* Defense Minister — alsjad, _Ne_Neon_

== Government ==
* Minister of Transport — Petr_The_First
Russia is run through an Absolute Monarchy with a Kaiser.

Present Kaiser is runnerboy72000, leader of Petrograd.
* Trade Minister — kirillwey

=== List of past Government overhead ===
* Infrastructure Minister — PycckueBnepeg
=== '''Senate''' ===
The Senate of the Russian Empire consists of governors, Ministers, and the Prime Minister of Russia. It passes various bills, approves the composition of the Cabinet of Ministers, makes decisions on mobilization, the introduction of a state of emergency in the country.
=== '''Duke''' ===
Duke are appointed by the king and exercise control functions: they take two regions under their authority and monitor the work of governors and regional Dumas, the course of elections, and the implementation of legislation. They have the right to take the initiative to dismiss the Governor or initiate a control case against any person. They have immunity, as well as Emperors and the Prime Minister.
==== '''List of governors of the Russian Empire (11.2020)''' ====
=== '''Governor''' ===
The Governor is the head of the region. Gubernatorial elections are held every two months. Any resident of the region can become the head of the region. In the capital of each region there is an administration building, which should be the office of the Governor. The Governor heads the regional Duma, manages all Affairs in the region, is the link between the population, mayors and the Cabinet of Ministers.
=== '''Regional Duma''' ===
The regional Duma consists of city mayors and is headed by the regional Governor. It makes decisions of local significance that do not concern the Senate.<br />
== '''Transport''' ==
Russia is a fairly developed country in the field of transport. The state has a metro system, aboveground ice trails, trails, and cobblestone roads. The construction of transport branches in Russian Empire is handled by the Ministry of construction and transport.
[[File:CTM Map.png|thumb]]
The first station of the Russian metro was the station in Saint Petersburg. It became the Terminus of the bright red branch of the [[Connect TM|CTM]] metro. The construction of this station made it possible to connect Saint Petersburg with the cities of Terra_mariana, Finland, Poland and many others. Of course, at that time it was a real transport progress for St. Petersburg: the lack of full-fledged roads, and even more so, ice trails, created problems with establishing relations with Russia's allies. The station in Saint Petersburg still exists, but it is not as popular as before. In addition, there is an unfinished extension of the metro line to Pavlodar.
===='''Metro «Yenisei»'''====
After Francon became Prime Minister Of Russia, the solution of transport links between Russian cities became one of the main tasks that the government faced. Francon made it clear that the cities of Russia are practically not connected by an ice route, except for some aboveground trails and trails. It was necessary to create an underground network of ice trails independent of external factors that would connect Russian cities.
Together with Ivan, who took up the post of Minister of construction and transport in the new government, Francon developed a plan for the construction of a single Russian metro. The first cities that were connected by the highway were Saint Petersburg and Pavlodar. The connection of these cities was quite understandable: Pavlodar was one of the largest cities in Russia, which is why often Pavlodar residents bought mobs or other items that can be transported exclusively on the highway in St. Petersburg. However, the development of the ice route did not stop: in the next two weeks, routes were laid to Volzhsk, Yaroslavl, Moscow and Novgorod. Over the next two months, Ladoga, Winterhur and Velsk were also added to the ice route.
It is also worth noting that this ice route is connected to the Finnish ice route. Thus, you can get to some cities in Finland from Russian cities. The agreement on cooperation in the transport industry between Russia and Finland was signed during the meeting of the governments of Russian Empire and Finland in St. Petersburg in June 2020.
Stations have been built in each city where the ice route is laid. Some of them can be blocked in case of danger, which can help in the complete isolation of the city. There are also shops at the stations that sell boats and other items. In the future, it is planned to connect Minsk, Volozhin, Vologda, Ivangorod, Tarkov and Rovaniemi to the ice route.
==='''Aboveground ice road'''===
On the territory of Russia, there are three ice tracks that are repaired monthly and their condition is monitored. Ice trails mainly connect Saint Petersburg with remote cities: Winterhur, Vologda and empty territories. Also, these routes lead to foreign countries. The tracks are located at different heights, which creates some discomfort in their use, but due to this, there is no full-fledged traffic, which allows you to avoid traffic jams.
==='''Roads and trails'''===
On the territory of Russia there are a large number of trails that are not controlled by Russia and several cobblestone roads. The most famous is the water path that connects the cities in Donetsk to Moscow for transit to the ice path.
== '''Economy''' ==
=== '''Farming''' ===
The agricultural sector in the Russian Empire mainly consists of farms, which are located in almost every city in the country. Russians actively grow almost all types of plants: wheat, potatoes, carrots, bamboo, sugar cane, watermelons and pumpkins. These products are not only food, but also actively used in trade: a large number of stores are filled with food. Thanks to this, there is no hunger in Russia. Fields in Russia are either on the surface or underground: under St. Petersburg, Ladoga, Petrograd and other cities there are huge reserves of wheat, carrots, potatoes and watermelons. In Volzhsk, Pavlodar, Vologda and many other cities, fields are built to match the landscape and seem to be natural structures.
Animal husbandry in the Russian Empire is no less developed than the cultivation of crops. Mostly, in large cities there are chickens, cows, and sheep. Sometimes there are pigs in cities.
=== '''Industry''' ===
Industry in the Russian Empire is not as well developed as agriculture. The largest enterprises are associated with the production of building materials and food. They are concentrated in Saint Petersburg and Petrograd. There are also factories near Moscow, Pavlodar, Volgograd and other cities. They are smaller in scale.
=== '''Trade''' ===
The largest store in Russia is Euro Polis, located in Petrograd. However, trade is also developed in other cities: in Pavlodar, Volzhsk, Ponsacco, Moscow, Kiev, Kalgalaksha there are small shops. The Ministry of trade plans to build a Large Gostiny Dvor In St. Petersburg and GUM in Moscow in the coming months to expand the budget and develop trade in General.
== '''Army''' ==
The army of the Russian Empire is one of the largest in its composition and has a large mobilization resource: about 35 people. For greater convenience of the army's leadership, it is divided into two regiments: one consists of English-speaking players, the other of Russian-speaking players. The Russian army is subordinate to the Tsars and the Prime Minister. The army is led by the Minister of defense.
== '''Towns''' ==
{| class="article-table"
{| class="article-table"
|+'''List of cities in Russian Empire'''
!Time Active
|[[Saint Petersburg|'''Saint Petersburg''']]
|Petersburg district
|Tzarist Ukraine
|North Region
|Tzarist Ukraine
|North Region
|Donetsk region
|Donetsk region
|Petersburg district
|Tver region
|29 November 2017 -
2 January 2018
|Donetsk region
|3 January 2018 -
January 18 2018
|Prime Minister
|Petersburg district
|January 19 2018 -
February 10 2018
|Prime Minister
|Donetsk region
|February 11 2018 - 10 March
|Prime Minister
|North Region
|11 March - 25 April 2018
|26 April - 25 May 2018
|Donetsk region
|25 May 2018
|26 May - 27 May 2018
|Donetsk region
|June 4 - June 24
|Donetsk region
|June 24 - July 16
|July 16 - Present
|Tver region
|Donetsk region
|Petersburg district
|Tver region
== [[Russian Military|Military]] ==
who needs a military on EMC anymore?
== Colonies (This section is slightly outdated) ==
{{Suave|title1 = Cities in Russia|image1 = 2018-02-19 20.50.37.png|caption1 = St.Petersburg (Capital)|image2 = 2017-12-16 17.50.57.png|caption2 = Tallinn|image3 = 2017-12-16 17.53.04.png|caption3 = Munster|image4 = 2017-12-16 17.55.01.png|caption4 = Warszawa|image5 = 2018-02-13 20.44.07.png|caption5 = Karakorum|image6 = 2017-12-16 17.59.35.png|caption6 = Fourthland|image7 = 2018-01-05 21.59.03.png|caption7 = Moscow|image8 = 2017-12-16 18.03.06 2.png|caption8 = New Bork (Abandoned)|image9 = 2018-02-10 00.51.39.png|caption9 = Irkustsk|image10 = 2017-12-16 17.56.41.png|caption10 = Tazaia|image11 = 2018-02-10 00.52.56.png|caption11 = Minsk|image12 = 2017-12-16 18.07.48.png|caption12 = Riktofground|image13 = 2017-12-16 18.08.26.png|caption13 = Vilyuysk|image14 = 2018-02-10 00.55.07.png|caption14 = Molotov|image15 = 2018-02-10 00.56.24.png|caption15 = Thompson|image16 = 2018-02-10 00.58.32.png|caption16 = Petrozavodsk}}Fourthland - Africa
Saint Michel - France
Brest - France
Stockholm - Sweden
SwedishColony - Norway
Fort Laptev - East Siberian Sea
Lumbridge- Arctic Ocean

Revision as of 17:22, 20 November 2020

Russian Empire Flag.jpg
Coat of Arms
Coat of arms of the Russian Empire.png
National Information
Full Name
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem «God Save the Tsar!»
Population 👥 187
Chunks 2982
Capital City Moscow, Saint Petersburg
Largest City Petrograd
Oldest City
Government Information
Political System Government monarchy.png Constitutional monarchy
Economic System Gold Icon.png Capitalism
Army Size 29
Part of
Historical Information

The Russian Empire (Russian: Российская империя) is the largest state in Eastern Europe, which was formed during the unification of Russia and Tzarist Russia.

Member country of the GRE.

The Russian Empire has two capitals: Moscow and Saint Petersburg. The largest cities of the Russian Empire are Minsk, Petrograd, New_Bonsville, Velsk, Saint Petersburg, and Moscow.


October 2020

On October 26, 2020, Tsar of Russia ItzNotNeon, Prime Minister of Russia Limkid and Tsar of Tsarist Russia Kraznov, head of SPQR CorruptedGreed signed an agreement under which Russia and Tsarist Russia were United into a single state — the Russian Empire. The signing of this Treaty put an end to the long-standing feud between both sides and gave an opportunity to look at Eastern Europe in a different way: a huge giant with two capitals appeared on the map: Moscow and St. Petersburg.

On October 27, the High Council of the Russian Empire, Elgik, proposed to the Senate for approval a large-scale project to reform the structure of public administration. 93.75% of senators supported the reform, 6.25% voted against it. the Reforms abolished the post of the High Council and created a Cabinet of Ministers, the post of Prime Minister and Governor, and a regional Duma was established in each region. Also, an office was created, consisting of counts who oversee the power in the districts.

From 28 to 30 October, the election of the Prime Minister was held, in which the high Council Elgik won with 90.91% of the total turnout.


The system of government of the Russian Empire consists of sufficiently developed branches of government. This is an original system that combines autocracy and democracy.


There are two emperors in Russia: Toporkov and ItzNotNeon. This decision was made during the unification of Nations. They will also have two successors. In the case of disputed decisions, when the tsars cannot reach a common result, the Prime Minister gets the third vote. Emperors cannot be deprived of their throne and deposed, as this is illegal.

Prime Minister

The Prime Minister of the Russian Empire is elected in national elections every three months. At the moment, the position of Prime Minister of Russia is held by Elgik. The Prime Minister directs the Executive and legislative branches of government. All Ministers, princes, senators, governors, and regional Dumas are subordinate to him. He has the right to pass laws with the approval of the Senate, dismiss governors, change the composition of regions, command troops, control foreign policy, approve economic plans, and much more. Can be dismissed by the tsars.


The Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Empire consists of Ministers who are appointed by the Prime Minister with the approval of the Senate. Each Minister is responsible for their area of activity and can be dismissed by the Prime Minister or the Tsar.

Composition of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Empire (11.2020)

  • Prime Minister — Elgik
  • Defense Minister — alsjad, _Ne_Neon_
  • Minister of Transport — Petr_The_First
  • Trade Minister — kirillwey
  • Infrastructure Minister — PycckueBnepeg


The Senate of the Russian Empire consists of governors, Ministers, and the Prime Minister of Russia. It passes various bills, approves the composition of the Cabinet of Ministers, makes decisions on mobilization, the introduction of a state of emergency in the country.


Duke are appointed by the king and exercise control functions: they take two regions under their authority and monitor the work of governors and regional Dumas, the course of elections, and the implementation of legislation. They have the right to take the initiative to dismiss the Governor or initiate a control case against any person. They have immunity, as well as Emperors and the Prime Minister.

List of governors of the Russian Empire (11.2020)


The Governor is the head of the region. Gubernatorial elections are held every two months. Any resident of the region can become the head of the region. In the capital of each region there is an administration building, which should be the office of the Governor. The Governor heads the regional Duma, manages all Affairs in the region, is the link between the population, mayors and the Cabinet of Ministers.

Regional Duma

The regional Duma consists of city mayors and is headed by the regional Governor. It makes decisions of local significance that do not concern the Senate.


Russia is a fairly developed country in the field of transport. The state has a metro system, aboveground ice trails, trails, and cobblestone roads. The construction of transport branches in Russian Empire is handled by the Ministry of construction and transport.


CTM Map.png


The first station of the Russian metro was the station in Saint Petersburg. It became the Terminus of the bright red branch of the CTM metro. The construction of this station made it possible to connect Saint Petersburg with the cities of Terra_mariana, Finland, Poland and many others. Of course, at that time it was a real transport progress for St. Petersburg: the lack of full-fledged roads, and even more so, ice trails, created problems with establishing relations with Russia's allies. The station in Saint Petersburg still exists, but it is not as popular as before. In addition, there is an unfinished extension of the metro line to Pavlodar.

Metro «Yenisei»

After Francon became Prime Minister Of Russia, the solution of transport links between Russian cities became one of the main tasks that the government faced. Francon made it clear that the cities of Russia are practically not connected by an ice route, except for some aboveground trails and trails. It was necessary to create an underground network of ice trails independent of external factors that would connect Russian cities.

Together with Ivan, who took up the post of Minister of construction and transport in the new government, Francon developed a plan for the construction of a single Russian metro. The first cities that were connected by the highway were Saint Petersburg and Pavlodar. The connection of these cities was quite understandable: Pavlodar was one of the largest cities in Russia, which is why often Pavlodar residents bought mobs or other items that can be transported exclusively on the highway in St. Petersburg. However, the development of the ice route did not stop: in the next two weeks, routes were laid to Volzhsk, Yaroslavl, Moscow and Novgorod. Over the next two months, Ladoga, Winterhur and Velsk were also added to the ice route.

It is also worth noting that this ice route is connected to the Finnish ice route. Thus, you can get to some cities in Finland from Russian cities. The agreement on cooperation in the transport industry between Russia and Finland was signed during the meeting of the governments of Russian Empire and Finland in St. Petersburg in June 2020.

Stations have been built in each city where the ice route is laid. Some of them can be blocked in case of danger, which can help in the complete isolation of the city. There are also shops at the stations that sell boats and other items. In the future, it is planned to connect Minsk, Volozhin, Vologda, Ivangorod, Tarkov and Rovaniemi to the ice route.

Aboveground ice road

On the territory of Russia, there are three ice tracks that are repaired monthly and their condition is monitored. Ice trails mainly connect Saint Petersburg with remote cities: Winterhur, Vologda and empty territories. Also, these routes lead to foreign countries. The tracks are located at different heights, which creates some discomfort in their use, but due to this, there is no full-fledged traffic, which allows you to avoid traffic jams.

Roads and trails

On the territory of Russia there are a large number of trails that are not controlled by Russia and several cobblestone roads. The most famous is the water path that connects the cities in Donetsk to Moscow for transit to the ice path.



The agricultural sector in the Russian Empire mainly consists of farms, which are located in almost every city in the country. Russians actively grow almost all types of plants: wheat, potatoes, carrots, bamboo, sugar cane, watermelons and pumpkins. These products are not only food, but also actively used in trade: a large number of stores are filled with food. Thanks to this, there is no hunger in Russia. Fields in Russia are either on the surface or underground: under St. Petersburg, Ladoga, Petrograd and other cities there are huge reserves of wheat, carrots, potatoes and watermelons. In Volzhsk, Pavlodar, Vologda and many other cities, fields are built to match the landscape and seem to be natural structures.

Animal husbandry in the Russian Empire is no less developed than the cultivation of crops. Mostly, in large cities there are chickens, cows, and sheep. Sometimes there are pigs in cities.


Industry in the Russian Empire is not as well developed as agriculture. The largest enterprises are associated with the production of building materials and food. They are concentrated in Saint Petersburg and Petrograd. There are also factories near Moscow, Pavlodar, Volgograd and other cities. They are smaller in scale.


The largest store in Russia is Euro Polis, located in Petrograd. However, trade is also developed in other cities: in Pavlodar, Volzhsk, Ponsacco, Moscow, Kiev, Kalgalaksha there are small shops. The Ministry of trade plans to build a Large Gostiny Dvor In St. Petersburg and GUM in Moscow in the coming months to expand the budget and develop trade in General.


The army of the Russian Empire is one of the largest in its composition and has a large mobilization resource: about 35 people. For greater convenience of the army's leadership, it is divided into two regiments: one consists of English-speaking players, the other of Russian-speaking players. The Russian army is subordinate to the Tsars and the Prime Minister. The army is led by the Minister of defense.


List of cities in Russian Empire
City Mayor Population Region
Saint Petersburg ItzNotNeon 15 Petersburg district
Moscow Sverker_ 9 Muscovy
Minsk cyelio 41 Belarus
Kyiv Domovyk 8 Tzarist Ukraine
Arkhangelsk Probka_Dead 5 North Region
Rivne Bambia 1 Tzarist Ukraine
Ladoga UraDude 2 Pomorie
Pavlodar mr4xolotl 1 Pomorie
Volzhsk SPECTREiscoming 2 Pomorie
Velsk Ervest 12 Pomorie
Победа Probka_C 3 North Region
Mourmansk Hugoku99 1 Pomorie
Donbass alsjad 5 Donetsk region
Novocherkassk Mixse 4 Donetsk region
Red_Moscow Zhengjc 2 Muscovy
Kalgalaksha NZXYT 3 Pomorie
Barysaw MackRemi19000 1 Belarus
Kingisepp _Ne_Neon_ 1 Petersburg district
Yaroslavl _AgentBlackout_ 1 Tver region
Caucasia TheFrostys 1 Caucasus
Viterga MihaxInc 3 Pomorie
Poltava kirillwey 2 Donetsk region
Petrograd Petr_The_First 29 Petersburg district
Sevastopol Hannibal_Barqa 2 Donetsk region
Победа Probka_C 3 North Region
Tvet FlashWarrior5 1 Muscovy
Berdyansk Berdyansk 2 Donetsk region
Ponsacco m51vortice 1 Muscovy
Volgograd Bladen2k 1 Donetsk region
Aphrodisias xtapodi_ 5 Donetsk region
New_Bonsville Funny_Meme_47 15 Ural
LeroTown Lerokes 1 Ural
Tver _Leafty_ 1 Tver region
Kahnikostok ConnorTheVGFan78 1 Belarus
Luhansk InfernoTower 4 Donetsk region
Novgorod _CorvusGlaive_ 2 Petersburg district
Exclusion_Zone AnatoliSuperSlav 3 Muscovy
PotatoCity gamer_64_ 1 Ural
Vologda Savernik 1 Tver region
Fort_Velsk EBorg2505 1 Pomorie
Moskva Jekol 1 Muscovy