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== Administration & Taxes ==
== Administration & Taxes ==
Warsaw has 3 streets and main street - Main street is Lech I Wielki street, others are Nadwiślańska street, Ludwig von Mises street and Dworcowa street. Default tax in Warsaw is daily 10% tax, that will eventually change to 1 gold per day. Self-government of Warsaw is planning to add better currency, ids and mail company.
Warsaw has 3 streets and main street - Main street is Lech I Wielki street, others are Nadwiślańska street, Ludwig von Mises street and Dworcowa street. Default tax in Warsaw is daily 10% tax, that will eventually change to 1 gold per day. Self-government of Warsaw is planning to add better currency, ids and mail company.

Revision as of 21:27, 10 February 2020

1280px-Flag of Warsaw.svg.png
Town Information
Economic System Neoliberalism - Free Market
Official Language Polish, English (as auxiliary language)
Official Religion Slavitheism
Government Information
Political System City
Mayor Roman Dmowski (PanGubernator)
Councillors None
Historical Information
Past Nations None
Past Mayors Xeloodiee, xHyper20, bartek50b, Snowyy_b
Past Councillors None

Warszawa (eng. Warsaw) - Polish city located in Region of Mazovia under the river Vistula. It has the most advanced road infrastructure in the Kingdom of Poland.


Old Warsaw was founded in November 1, 2018. At first week after it's founding, it had 8 residents and some must-have buildings - Castle, Roads and plans of city, Wall, Farm, Houses and Underground.

It joined Polish Kingdom on November 9, 2018, and at that moment it had 3 active residents.

Old Warsaw experienced some raids from Bornholm (Denmark) and got it's farm griefed.

At June 19(?), 2019, Warsaw was took over by bartek50b, and he also usurped title of Polish King, he gave back King title as he had to get title of Magnate, but he was deceived, and gave Nobleman title.

Old Warsaw fell down somewhere between July-September of 2019, and got griefed by Germans from German Empire (Now part of Germany).

New Warsaw was established at November 24, 2019 by Roman Dmowski (PanGubernator in game), donator who supported Warsaw most, was Naro (_xFlyingEagle in game).

Place of new Warsaw on November 24, 2019
Warsaw in first day of it's reestablishment.


Warsaw has the most advanced roads, in Kingdom of Poland. Template of street is 9 blocks wide road, with 2 block long stone slab sidewalk at two sides, and 5 blocks wide stone road in the middle.

Example of street road

It's also connected to main Polish icy road, marked as HA1, which makes Warsaw easier to access.

Very worn icy road HA1 from Kosice to Gdansk at Central Warsaw train station

There are plans to build more icy roads, and connect Warsaw with rest of the Europe.


On the Warsaw's central road, we can see white city hall, old-fashioned university of neoslavonic sciences, public gold mine, unfinished central mail of Poczta Mazowiecka, unfinished central bank of Mazovia and almost removed old village of Allenstein (It should be in Ermland-Mazuria, but Germans can't into geography). Near the centre of the city, we can see a big and tallest building in Warsaw, skyscraper of pawlikowski333, grocery shop of local enterprise owned by Roman Dmowski and unfinished train station. Latest city plans will be expanding it for about 17 chunks east to build ,,White House" of local government and 4 chunks south to build Palace of Culture and Science that exists irl.

University of Warsaw
Lech I Wielki street
2020-02-09 00.31.16.png
2020-02-09 00.30.19.png

2020-02-09 00.30.31.png
2020-02-09 00.30.43.png

Administration & Taxes

Warsaw has 3 streets and main street - Main street is Lech I Wielki street, others are Nadwiślańska street, Ludwig von Mises street and Dworcowa street. Default tax in Warsaw is daily 10% tax, that will eventually change to 1 gold per day. Self-government of Warsaw is planning to add better currency, ids and mail company.