Vesterålen is a town located in Northern Norway, it is politically part of the nation of Denmark.
Although not much is known about this town, Holmstad was located in the current location of Vesterålen, and it is thought to be home to the builders of the large apartment like structure in the region.
The town was founded in late December 2020, after an active resident of Copenhagen chose the location due to liking its complex island structure. He went and founded the town, and started to expand.
The mayor of the town had died a few times, ending in him losing some valuable items. After a visitor of the town, Dennik2000, was offered a vacation house, unclaimed. His appearance was likely based on the fact that the mayor had not claimed some of his builds. However, he mined gold and expanded the town around 20 chunks in one day.
The town got its first resident after about 3 weeks of existence, and more players are expected to be recruited.