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Coat of Arms
National Information
Full Name Himyar
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Capital City Leiysle
Largest City Leiysle
Oldest City
Government Information
Political System Israeli Government
Economic System
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information

Himyar is a nation under Israel's rule in southern Arabia. Founded by Iffyhat96196 on June 1st 2021 and officially became apart of Israel on June 14th 2021. It is known for its PVP, Battles, And shops.


Early History

The capital Palmsit was created in central Yemen. After complaints from the Omani Sultanate and negotiations between Israel and Omani Sultanate leaders the capital town was moves to southern Arabia and was called Leiysle.

Himyar Grows

In the early days of Himyar the center of the claims was wilderness, This lead to multiple battles happening. Himyar was one of the main nations where battles between the United Terrorists of EarthMC and the Omani Sultanate with the Philippines as their allies. When Himyar was still new it was also attacked by Pakistani citizen's specifically Thomasslime and Jayden7566 and Himyar was defended by Israeli Soldiers. Once the UTOM and Omani Sultanate war ended and Philippines was defeated by the Philippines F.R the battles stopped at Himyar but the PVP did not. The battles fought at Himyar gained it some reputation not as a shopping nation but as a popular place to pvp. For some months throughout the days large pvp fights happened in the wilderness surrounded by Himyars claims. When that wilderness was claimed the fights simply moves to outside of Himyars claims. These fights at their peak could attract 20-30 players during a single fight. At this point leader Iffyhat96916 saw potential and started encouraging the pvp. He claimed the wilderness where the pvp took place and made a arena there. This popularized the pvp at Himyar even more and every night there would be even bigger fights then before when there was no real arena. At this point more shops were being purchased at Himyar and more people were shopping there which funded the expansion of Himyar and the construction of Buildings. By this time Himyar was no longer being attacked by foreign nations. To further encouraging the pvp which was providing gold to the nation leader Iffyhat96196 created a brand new arena but this time with real walls. A 9 chunk arena with spectator area's and speed beacons furthered the pvp craze at Himyar. By the completion of the new arena all the shops at Himyar had been sold and a waiting list was starting to form. It was becoming a true shopping nation as Iffy had visioned.

Current Day

As of writing this Himyar has added 3 towns to its nation being named Sana, Zahleah, and Zafar. PVP is not as big as it used to be with only the occasional fights that are never as big as they once were. With the shops being top tier the vision of a good shopping nation has come true and there is always a waiting list for a shop at Himyar. With the addition of 3 towns in 1 month Himyar is expected to keep growing and wont stop any time soon. Right now Himyar is involved in the Israel VS The Federation Of The Indian Ocean conflict and is on Israels side.

A Nation Built On PVP

Without PVP Himyar would not be what it is now. Its economy was built upon the PVP that took place at Himyar with a large market for potions and god gear. The PVP is what made Himyar become well known and what made it a reliable shopping nation. PVP itself is what fueled Himyars expansion with the gold it brought in from all the players who came to fight as they ended up shopping at Himyar also. As Iffy says "Himyar was built upon the bloodshed of the arenas".


Himyar is ruled under Israel's government. Himyars Citizens are able to vote and run for government positions in the Israeli government.


Himyar does not have its own personal military and relies on Israel military for protection. In times of crisis Himyar's citizens may be gathered to fight.


Himyar's Architecture is European with lots of sandstone and concrete used for the buildings in the nations towns.

Notable People

Notable people who participated in Himyar's PVP