Cod4h was an uruguayan user who is part of the small uruguayan community of EarthMC. He was a Nova veteran but joined Aurora in November 2022.
Cod4h joined Aurora and founded the town of Artigas at the south of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in November of 2022 because his friend Olivio90 asked him to rejoin Brazil like when he was in Nova to defend the southern region of Brazil from foreign invasions.
At first Cod4h told Olivio he wasn't going to be active since he was still mad at the server reset and wasn't very attracted by the idea of having to start again from scratch so he just built a cozy house in the new founded town.

After a couple weeks passed and since Cod4h started getting some more free time he started playing more as pero Olivio's request. Artigas beggined expanding and the first conflicts commenced to emerge with Sunset, a town founded by MonkeeRee to take control of the uruguayan lands.
In December, Cod4h's best friend, Arrow027 joined Artigas and started working together with Cod4h on expanding Artigas and constructing new buildings such as the "Edificio Astesiano" (the first skyscraper on the region) and the "Plaza Independencia" (the main city square).