Note: Serbia was the old name of the town, it is now Beograd.
Beograd is a town in the Balkans who's leader is Lord Chetnik64 of the Serbs. It is currently the capital of Serbia.
Serbia was been apart of S.P.Q.R. but later left the nation if favor of Austria. Austria ruled Serbia for less than a day, on Friday June 3rd 2020. It was an independent as a City-State for 2 days. Then on Saturday, June 5th 2020 Serbia joined Germany. It later joined Serbia as it's founding town
List of Rulers
Chetnik64, as Lord of the Serbs from March 21 2021 - Present
Territory and Famous Buildings
Beograd is a town in the Balkans that shares borders with Priştine(Serbia.) and Belgrade(S.P.Q.R.), it also is near Budapest (Austria), and the old towns of Temišvar and Niš. It is in the real life territory of Hungary, Serbia, and Romania. It's most well known building is the church that was commissioned under the Rule of Chetnik64, the church itself is currently under construction by Vlajke, a Byzantine architect.