Aurora:Onslow Bay

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Flag of Onslow Bay
Onslow Bay
Town Information
Nation Pilbara
Population 134
Area 550 chunks
Continent Australia
Economic System
Official Language
Official Religion
Government Information
Political System
Mayor kobiKraft
Historical Information
Past Nations
Past Mayors
Past Councillors

Onslow Bay is the current largest town within its nation (Pilbara), and the fifth largest within the entirety of Terra Aurora. Boasting a population of 134 and a size of 550 chunks, it has distinguished itself as a prominent metropolis, despite it's far proximity relative to other large towns.

The town was initially established by GalaxyGaming2000 on the 18th of February 2023 on behalf of KobiKraft while he sold off his old town, New Kraftier, presently known as Thessaloniki. It was officially given to kobiKraft in mid-March of that year.

Surface Map view of Onslow Bay



Onslow Bay was established on the 18th of February 2023 by GalaxyGaming2000. The town was later acquired by kobiKraft in March of 2023 and consequently lead to the establishment of the nation of Pilbara on November 10th, 2023.

In the early days, under the leadership of GalaxyGaming2000, storage houses, a town spawn, and a small dock were constructed, with a nether ice road serving as both a highway between kobiKraft's town and Onslow Bay as well as a trail for trade, often involving the transportation of goods such as animals or villagers.

First Residents

On March 12th, 2023, Onslow Bay recruited its first resident, a builder by the name of HayleyBailey47, who was active for a small period, partaking in activities such as constructing houses, before going inactive and leaving. Onslow Bay continued recruiting residents following the departure, including a present close ally Kasana2035/Yaz8981, and Pilbara's current internal affairs and expansion minister, _dqsRustyy and his expansionist advisor, Jep700.

The town reached 50 chunks on March 22nd, 2023, and reached 10 residents on April 10th, 2023, with Wolftree47, a future candidate for minister of internal affairs and minister of transport, being the 10th resident.

Early Conflicts

The early days of Onslow Bay were not without conflict, with the first transpiring on the 11th of April, 2023, when former resident Mr_mysterious76 established a town abutting the borders of Onslow Bay, named Cotreta. This sparked a conflict due to it's interference with kobiKraft's plans to expand. Consequently, they struck a deal following a short period of arguments with the mayor, leading to the eventual demise of Cotreta. However, that was not all which the week featured for the young town.

On April 12th 2023, another town was formed nearby, named Neu Bochum, which was lead by player Naskheera. The residents of Naskheera, particularly one individual, BeWehh, began griefing around Onslow Bay and littering the greater region with inappropriate symbols. Initially, the server moderators rolled back the grief and warned them, which accomplished little as the perpetrators persisted, interfering with Wolftree47's railway project. Eventually, an attack was launched on the town, with Onslow Bay emerging victorious, even displaying the sets of Naskheera and BeWehh following the attack. The victory did come at a cost, however, with Wolftree47 quitting for the year. However, his railway project continued to be griefed even despite his inactivity, with mods refusing to roll back the damages. In the end, the players were eventually banned and Neu Bochum fell into ruin the following month, May.

On April 29th of the same year, a group of townhoppers joined Onslow Bay and killed kobiKraft while he was granting a plot, which began a trend of kobiKraft killing any townhopper who joined the town over the following year.

Growth slows

Amid the times of the aforementioned conflicts, Onslow Bay grew at a relatively decent pace, growing to 20 residents, and subsequently by mid-May, the town grew to 30 residents. However, the server began to kick those who were inactive, particularly those who hadn't played in 42 days by this time, leading to the stagnation of the town's growth. Despite a decline in residential growth, the town continued to grow in chunks, reaching 100 chunks on May 28th 2023.

Around this time, a player named Equidox joined the town, constructing a valley in what later became the river south of the town's spawn, serving as a public gathering area, which was built into the nation spawn for Pilbara's first 6 months as a nation. This was the only event of long-term significance around this time.

On June 5th 2023, kobiKraft became unable to log on, due to a hardware issue regarding his PC, which caused both recruitment and chunk growth to reach a complete halt. The town consequently suffered from slow decline over the following month. However, the town did join the nation of Australia on the 25th of June 2023, regardless of the decline.

Australian Era

Following Onslow Bay's integration into Australia, the town began expanding and recruiting once again, with _dqsRustyy becoming a recruiter, and kobiKraft receiving a new computer, enabling him to log on again. In early July, the town recovered from it's decline, reaching 30 residents again, and by the middle of the month, Onslow Bay opened it's resource donation centre, which almost immediately earned the town 128 gold. Following alongside the recovery, on July 21st the town reached 150 chunks.

In spite of the town's recovery, On July 22nd 2023, an Australian mayor, dani3000o, attacked Onslow Bay and promptly outlawed a few of its residents, resulting in Onslow Bay declaring him an outlaw, hence provoking a small conflict and argument, which continued with no resolution, simply being disregarded overtime.

On August 7th 2023, Onslow Bay reached 200 chunks, receiving an additional 400g in donations in just a couple of weeks. Representative of the town's financial success, it claimed an old ruin, which in April and May of 2024 was transformed into Pilbara's current spawn.

The town ended the month on a rather low note, due to it only periodically reaching 38 residents, before decreasing to just 22. This lead to yet another period of decline in expansion, stalling on 230 chunks while lacking in residents.

In the following month of September, not much occurred, with the month seeing a brief recovery by reaching 35 residents and 248 chunks on the 30th.

The town later reached 40 residents for the first time in it's history, marking the end of the second period of residential decline.

On October 5th 2023, growth continued, with the town reaching 260 chunks and 50 residents. On October 18th 2023, the town reached 60 residents, but would not grow much further due to yet another surge in inactivity, reaching a peak of 65 residents in late October, before declining to 62 residents. The town subsequently left Australia to establish it's own nation.


Onslow Bay features fairly mixed architecture, with infrastructure ranging from small huts to modern skyscrapers. It houses a variety of recognisable structures which are essential to the town's architectural integrity, some examples are:

Eastern Apartments
Three of the largest towers within the city
Bridges connecting the north & south
Town Spawn
Nation Spawn
Unbetrayed's Cabin

Notable People