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California is a nation within the Terra Aurora server of EarthMC. It was founded on Tuesday, the 3rd of May, 2022, at 4:57 AM GMT by StarKiller1744, in the town of Los Angeles. California was the first nation in the Americas, and the 6th nation in the world. The nation is governed by a king with permanent assistants and a council of elected officials.

Presently the nation is the only nation within the Western United States region, making it a dominant power in the area.


The Californian government is composed of a king, StarKiller1744, permanent assistants, and a council of elected officials. This style of government was established on the 8th of May after a discussion with the founding members of California.


The History of California is composed of distinct time periods.

Creation Era

This era spans the early access period for premium players. The time period is marked with the creation of nation and its core towns. This era is divided into two sections, early access from May 1st to May 8th, and the week-long maintenance period from May 8th to May 15th, when the server released to the public.

Dawn Era

This opens with the release of the server to the public, and a rush to firmly stake California's claims in the region. Non-premium Californian players made towns to secure the nation's hold on its claimed territory.

Creation Era May 1st - May 15th
Dawn Era May 15th - Present

Notable Players

Below is a list of the most important members of California


Below is a list of the towns of California.