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The Philippines is a conservative market republic located in the Philippine archipelago in Southeast Asia. It is a continuation of the Philippine nation of Terra Nova which was led by Yeti_MC. The current nation owner of the Philippines is Lammchpx, and the current president of the Philippines is Yeti_MC.

Claim map of the Philippines

The in-game nation "Philippines" was created on May 4th, 2022 and was the 24th nation created on Terra Aurora. The in-game Philippines is home to a large amount of ethnic Filipinos who work together to better the Philippine nation.

History on Terra Nova

The Philippines was 15 months old on Terra Nova at the time of Terra Aurora's launch. It was the successor to the fascist Philippines lead by Skylordvoxaco from 2019-2021, which itself was the successor to the Luzon Empire lead by Shirazmates in 2018.

Luzon Empire

The Luzon Empire was the 5th nation created on EarthMC Terra Nova, being formed by the mod Shirazmates on November 5, 2018. Very little documentation of the Luzon Empire was taken, however, the only known footage of the nation being a single YouTube video taken by Shirazmates himself which showed some of the buildings in the nation's capital city, Manila.

Fascist Philippines

In the middle of 2019, Shirazmates gave up his leadership of the Philippines, which was renamed from the Luzon Empire, to Skylordvoxaco. Skylordvoxaco, or Skylord for short, transformed the nation into a self-proclaimed dictatorship with himself as leader.

First Philippine Civil War

In late 2019, angered by Skylordvoxaco's tyranny, SirInfinity, mayor of the town Bacolod, seceded from the Philippines, starting the First Philippine Civil War. During the conflict, the Philippine nation rose to a population of over 200, reaching the first tab of the nation list. SirInfinity and his rebellion surrendered after months, ending the First Philippine Civil War.

Decline of the Philippines

Shortly after the First Philippine Civil War, the Philippines dropped from a population of 200 down to a much smaller 6. Skylordvoxaco was very secretive of his plans to citizens within his own nation, and was in total isolation on the global scene.

New Players

In the later months of 2020 and the earlier months of 2021, the Philippines would gain many players which would become very influential in the nation's future. These are:

-Illidanlestat (joined October 2020)

-Jayisa (joined October 2020)

-Yeti_MC (joined November 2020)

-Phantom1958 (joined November 2020)

-PagongJuice04 (joined January 2021)

-DTK69 (joined January 2021)

-Vippyyy (joined February 2021)

These players would all go on to make their own towns within the Philippines, with Illidanlestat owning Dumaguete, Jayisa owning Naga, Yeti_MC and Phantom1958 owning Greater Manila, PagongJuice04 and DTK69 owning Pagong City, and Vippyyy owning Palawan. These seven players would also all share the same disliking for Skylordvoxaco's dictatorship as SirInfinity.

Second Philippine Civil War

On February 12, 2021, Illidanlestat announced the beginning of the Second Philippine Civil War. He was quickly backed by all but Skylordvoxaco, and, on the same day as the civil war started, eight of the nine Philippine towns seceded from the nation. They formed their own nation, the Philippine Federal Republic, on February 21, 2021. The civil war lasted for four entire months, with the republic finally beating out the dictatorship after Skylordvoxaco's abdication and, days later, Skylord's ban. The Philippine nation was disbanded by Skylord's second in command, Ocurtamemes, and the Philippine Federal Republic renamed itself to the Philippines in-game shortly after, although the republic kept its longer name formally.

Philippine Federal Republic

List of Presidents

Throughout the Philippines' 15-month history, the country had eight terms and four presidents, those being:

-Feb. 2021: Yeti_MC

-Apr. 2021: PagongJuice04

-Jun. 2021: PagongJuice04

-Aug. 2021: Yoda2301

-Oct. 2021: Vippyyy

-Dec. 2021: Yeti_MC

-Feb. 2022: Yeti_MC

-Apr. 2022: Yeti_MC


Foreign Policy

Compared to Skylordvoxaco's isolationist dictatorship, the Philippine Federal Republic was far more involved in the global scene. The nation quickly gained a reputation for being an imperialist, pro-war, conservative nation after successful and neutral wars with the Omani Sultanate, China, Tanzania, Minnesota, and more. The country had numerous colonies throughout its lifespan as well, some being the Omani Sultanate, Oman, Victoria Land, Marie Byrd Land, the USA, and Mozambique.

Economic Policy

The Philippines found success in laissez-faire capitalist policies, with many in the nation amassing large sums of wealth. Shop plots were very cheap in the nation, with prices ranging from 10-30 gold for 1-4 chunk large shops in the capital city Greater Manila.

Republic of Nusantara

In April of 2022, the Philippine Federal Republic merged with its long-time ally, Majapahit. The union was given the name Nusantara. The Nusantara system of government itself was identical to the old Philippine government.

History on Terra Aurora

The Yeti Administration

The Philippine government on Terra Aurora was not carried over from Terra Nova immediately, and the nation was thus without a constitution for over a month. Up until the constitution passed, the Philippines resorted to an oligarchical system of government. Yeti_MC was chosen to be president of the young oligarchy, as he was the last president of Terra Nova.

Yeti's Cabinet

-President: Yeti_MC

-Vice President: Lammchpx (May 1 - May 20), Vippyyy (May 21 - June 18)

-Secretary of Finance: DTK69

-Secretary of Foreign Affairs: PagongJuice04

-Secretary of Defense: Jayisa

-Secretary of External Development: N/A (May 1 - May 20), Illidanlestat (May 21 - June 18)

-Secretary of Immigration: N/A (May 1 - May 27), Lammchpx (May 28 - June 18)

New Towns During the Yeti Administration




-Chowking (Filipino colony)







-Empire_Onigirl (Filipino colony)

-Supremesvilles (Filipino colony)



The Philippines started with a population of zero, as Terra Aurora had not yet launched by the start of the Yeti administration, reached a peak population of 42, and ended with a population of __.

Land Area

The Philippines started with a land area of zero chunks, as Terra Aurora had not yet launched by the start of the Yeti administration, and ended with a land area of __ chunks.

History During the Yeti Administration

Terra Aurora's Launch

On the day of Terra Aurora's premium-only launch, Lammchpx, Jayisa, and Yeti_MC joined the server to form their three towns. Both Lamm and Yeti wanted the capital city Manila, so the two decided that they would race each other to create it first. Yeti got a head start due to waiting in the Terra Aurora queue an hour before Terra Aurora even opened, but after a server crash put him at the back of the four-hundred long queue line Lamm won the race, making the 14th town on Terra Aurora and 1st in the Philippines. Jayisa was the second Filipino to make a town after forming Bicol, and Yeti created Luzon minutes after Jayisa created Bicol.

Creating the Nation

After creating their towns, Jayisa, Lammchpx, and Yeti_MC began collecting gold to create the Philippine nation. Lamm would end up mining over half of the 2048 gold required in only 4 days. On the 4th day of Terra Aurora, the Philippines amassed all of the gold required to make the nation, and Lammchpx created the nation on May 4, 2022.


Originally, Lammchpx made an agreement with Yeti_MC to give Yeti the position of nation owner in return for the two racing for the town name Manila, but Lamm broke his side of the agreement, feeling he contributed too much to not own the nation. Lamm also promised Yeti that Luzon would be capital city of the Philippines, but broke this promise as well, believing that the capital city should be the one that housed the nation owner.

In addition, Manila violated the border agreement with Luzon. The original southern border between Manila and Luzon followed a river connecting the Manila Bay and the Laguana de Bay, and chunk maps of the border were drawn accordingly. However, Lamm terraformed the river and altered its shape, claiming four chunks onto Luzon's side of the border. Manila also griefed the unclaimed concrete roads in Luzon every other day, and, at one point, started building structures in Luzon's land. Tensions between the two towns rose as a result, although tensions have waned as of recently.

Battle of Supremesvilles
Lammchpx, Vippyyy and Filolog preparing to launch an assault on Supremesvilles

On May 28, 2022, a group of three from Supremesvilles, a town in the Maluku province of real-life Indonesia, attacked the Filipino senator Filolog for visiting Supremesville. Filolog, wearing enchanted gear, safely escaped the ambush, but was chased by boat and on foot all the way to the Philippine island of Negros. Filolog then fought all three attackers by himself, causing the attackers to retreat back to their base in Supremesvilles. Filolog called for backup in the Philippine nation-only chat, and three volunteers, Lammchpx, Vippyyy, and Yeti_MC, met up with Filolog to begin an invasion of Supremesvilles. The four landed on the island directly north of Supremesvilles, and, upon the three attackers seeing the four Filipinos all in maxed diamond and netherite gear, Supremesvilles surrendered to the Philippines. The Philippines annexed Supremesvilles minutes after the surrender, with Supremesvilles becoming the second largest city in the Philippines by population.

British Colony

On June 4, 2022, newly founded town called Port Cooper which was founded in the north of Luzon declared itself as a British colony in Philippines. Philippine government reacted to those news by kicking the Port Cooper from the Philippines and funding a brand new Filipino colony in mainland Britain called Port Marcos. Not so soon later Port Marcos joined the Kaiserreich.


The Philippine constitution was passed unanimously on 28 May 2022. It will enter effect on 12 June 2022.

Legislative Branch

The legislative branch is split into two houses, the senate and house of representatives.


The Senate is the first of the two houses of congress.

The senate is comprised of multiple senators, with each in-game city correlating to one senator. The governor of each city is generally the city's senator as well. However, this is not always the case, as the president and vice president cannot hold seats in the Senate whilst holding office. In the event that the president and/or vice president is the governor of a city, that city's senate seat is held by another town resident decided by the president and/or vice president. If there are no eligible citizens to take the position of senator in a town, that town has no representation in the senate.

The Senate is led by the Senate Majority Leader, which accepts proposals to the Senate Floor and establishes the Senate's agenda. The Senate Majority Leader is appointed by the political party with the most Senate seats. The Senate Minority Leader may also submit issues to the Senate agenda. The Senate Minority Leader is appointed by the remaining senators which are not in the leading political party.

Senators may vote three ways during a senate vote; Yay, Nay, or Abstain. Additionally, a senator may decide to not vote entirely. Generally, a bill needs above 50% of senators who voted Yay or Nay to have voted Yay to pass in the Senate. If the number of Nays outweighs the number of Yays, or if over 50% of the senators abstain, the bill fails in the Senate. If the number of Yays and Nays are equal, and if under 50% of senators abstain, the vice president of the Philippines may cast a tie-breaking vote.

In certain situations, a bill requires over 2/3 of senators who voted Yay or Nay to have voted Yay to pass in the senate. This is so if the bill is to change the constitution in any way.

House of Representatives

The House of Representatives, or House for short, is the second of the two houses of congress.

The House of Representatives is comprised of multiple house representatives. The governor of each in-game city divides their city into multiple barangays, or districts, with five citizens per barangay at minimum. Each barangay correlates to one house representative. Each house representative is determined via. city elections which take place every two months. The president and vice president cannot hold seats in the House whilst holding office.

Voting in the House of Representatives is identical to voting in the Senate. A bill must pass in both houses to be enacted as law.

Executive Branch


Judicial Branch


Nation Owner

As of May 28th 2022, the owner of the Philippines is Lammchpx, but he doesn't serve as the president. YetI_MC is the current acting president.


Population and Towns

As of 5/28/21, the Philippines has 13 towns, 345 chunks, and a population of 42. This gives the nation a population density of 3.16 / town, and an average town size of 26.54 chunks.


Although there is no official language in the Philippines, the dominant languages in the nation are English and Tagalog. English is spoken by almost every citizen in the nation, and Tagalog is spoken by a sizeable percentage as well.


Catholicism is the largest religion in the Philippines, with Protestantism at a close second.