The Republic of Michigan is a North American nation in the Michigan and Superior Peninsula. It's capital is the City of Detroit.
The nation of Michigan was founded on May 18, 2022.
First Elections
Michigan's first Presidential elections began June 29th 2022, with LampeKing, ImAPoggers, Led3monslayer, and twomoo1119 running. Led3monslayer is last with twomoo1119 and ImAPoggers tied for second. Lampeking won with 57.14% (8 of 14) of the vote, and becomes the Republic of Michigan's First President.
Canada as of July 6th guarantees the claims of Michigan. After the Canada's Diplomatic Reset it upheld the previous border agreements with Michigan.
Anaphase_Andy Presidency
Michigan's July 24th elections ended with Anaphase_Andy defeating De_Conquerer 24-24, with a total 55.81% of the Vote. A July 30th poll showed a 58.8% approval rating for the President. However this brief honeymoon phase ended as President Anaphase_Andy became inactive, and was unable to make an address in a timely fashion. On August 9, President Anaphase_Andy resigned shortly before impeachment. A contemporary poll showed a 20% approval rating as 4/5 Michiganers would have voted to impeach the President. Upon this resignation, his Vice-President 71Camino became President.