Battle of Munich (Classic)

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After the Siege of Moscow was successfully completed by the Austrians, a new target was taken into account- The Spanish Empire. The Spanish Empire was hated at the time by all of the Austrians as well as most of the Germans, so 73beetle ordered his forces to invade the Spanish Empire to kill a new player in Valencia.

The Attack

Austrian Retreat to Vienna

As the Austrian Forces marched closer to Valencia an unexpected guest appeared in Valencia, nino175 who was waiting for them there and had seemingly switched sides after previously fighting with the Austrians nino175 also warned Zqppy that the Austrians were invading Valencia so he came on as well, 73beetle then ordered the retreat back to Vienna due to the unpredictability of the Spanish forces and the land they were fighting on. The Retreat was successful with no Austrian Troops being lost on the way.

Spanish Forces Push into Germany

After the Austrians retreated into Vienna, they prepared for combat in Munich as Zqppy and Nino175 had arrived, the Austrians could not back down now and so 73beetle and his two soldiers (Oretin and Schober60) Marched to Munich.

The Battle

73beetle enabled PvP unexpectedly and began to hit Zqppy who was badly damaged and had to retreat then nino175 came in and with Zqppy fought back against the Austrians with both sides gaining the upper hand during the battle with the Austrians slightly in the lead, causing Zqppy to retreat several times even down the Elbe river away from Munich at one point, however the battle began to turn in the favor of the Spanish after the loss of Oretin_ due to "Computer Problems" As well as Schober60's basic armor not preforming well during the battle. Causing 73beetle to Toggle PvP ending the battle, and allowing the Spanish and Alaskans to claim victory over the Second Austrian Republic, ending the Second Austrian Night of Terror.