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Atlanta Seal

Atlanta is a metropolitan city that is especially friendly to new players. Free food is delivered to Royal Mailboxes in every plot, and all residents have the opportunity to have a vote on laws and decisions if they rank up to become a member of the House of Lords. The city Mayor is RobotGamer__ alongside Co-Mayor Bliksemman.


Early History

Town Creation

Atlanta was founded by RobotGamer__ on May 3, 2022 just 2 days after the early access release of Terra Aurora. Some early residents include Bliksemman, gebalat and MartialFelix.

The town joined the nation of Louisiana, which later became known as the United States. Atlanta has proven a loyal member of the nation, and at the time of writing remains a member. The town has always been one of the largest in the nation, and since the United States became less active, has begun to dwarf all other member towns in terms of population.

Early Plans

RobotGamer__ originally planned to create the Kingdom of America which would have a Constitutional Monarchy, with him as King. In the early access days, there were discussions between RobotGamer__ and karatoss (the leader of Louisiana) over the potential of creating a Kingdom of America, which Louisiana would merge into. These plans never came to fruition, and the idea for a Kingdom of America was swiftly dropped after seeing the many nations being created across North America.

As a result, RobotGamer__ began to focus on creating something more realistic: the Kingdom of Georgia. The claims of which would be based around the real life State of Georgia. A government for the nation has been fully established, with an entrenched Constitution that emphasises the superiority of the Senate in having the ability to amend the Constitution without the need for the King's approval. The Senate is to be made up of all Mayors of the nation, and vote on all laws and major decisions made. Progress towards forming the nation has been slow, but picked up dramatically towards the end of 2022.

Recent History


After a short period of inactivity from RobotGamer__, lasting about 2 weeks, he decided to return and put a lot of energy into getting the town back on its feet again. Bliksemman proved to be a loyal resident who stuck around during this period of inactivity, and remained enthusiastic about helping out in the town. As a result, RobotGamer__ appointed Bliksemman to the position of Co-Mayor, and he has proven a fantastic active Co-Mayor helping with town projects and recruitment.

Rapid Recruitment

Mayor of Atlanta, RobotGamer__, began recruiting heavily in November, 2022. Town activity prior to November had been very poor, so RobotGamer__ decided to get more active and ramp up recruitment. Between November 17, 2022 and December 27, 2022 he managed to recruit over 60 new residents. This made Atlanta one of the largest towns in the continent.


Statue of King Robot I

Located at the town spawn is the Statue of King Robot I, the second statue to be built in Atlanta.

Statue of King Robot I, town spawn (Atlanta).

The Great King Robot I Temple

Great Temple entire view.

The Great Temple is the certified tallest building in all of Terra Aurora, standing at exactly 246 blocks tall, and reaching the 319 height limit. The exterior of the Great Temple took 4 days to complete, with the interior taking over 3 months. It was entirely built by RobotGamer__.

Great Temple front , with the observation elevator in view (middle), and two banners of the King on either side of the Great Temple (Atlanta).
Great Temple in July 14, 2022 (Atlanta).

The Throne of King Robot I

Located in the Great Temple is the throne of the King.

Throne room of the King located in the Great Temple (Atlanta).

The Senate Chamber

Located in the Great Temple beneath the throne of the King, is the Senate Chamber where all Senate sessions are held. Members of the House of Lords are seated to the right, with Senators seated to the left. In the centre the King is seated, alongside the Prime Minister and Heir to the Throne.

Senate Chamber located in the Great Temple (Atlanta).

The Royal Fortress of King Robot I

Located in Atlanta is the Royal Fortress that was the first four chunks of the town. This was the original town homeblock and town centre, with the old throne room located within. Beneath it remains a giant quarrey, where the stone for the Great Temple was acquired. On June 14, 2022 the Royal Fortress won the best build tournament ran by EnzoLaPicole for the nation Louisiana.

Royal Fortress, old town centre with throne room (Atlanta).
Old throne room, located in the Royal Fortress (Atlanta).

Notable People

  • Mayor RobotGamer__
  • Co-Mayor Bliksemman


Ranks for Residents

The following ranks are rewarded to residents of Atlanta by the Monarch. Ranks will be rewarded in accordance to their loyalty and service to the town and kingdom. This list of ranks is also the hierarchy of the royal family, meaning those with these ranks are in line to the throne in order from top down.


There can only ever be one King or Queen. They wield the power to veto laws passed by the Senate. They may reward and remove ranks/titles. They may pass laws by Royal Decree when the number of Senators is below 5. They appoint and dismiss the Prime Minister and ministers upon recommendation from the Senate. They may dissolve the Senate during a national emergency, which only the Senate may call with a 2/3 majority vote.

Prince and Heir / Princess and Heir

Heir to the throne. They are the next to succeed the current King or Queen upon their death or abdication. Acts as second in command, this means that when the Monarch is offline, they are acting Monarch. May own an unlimited number of plots in the capital Atlanta. In order to receive this rank, you have to do two of the following: Donated at least 500 gold, completed thirty bounties on behalf of the Kingdom ( wanted-list ), recruited fifty new residents who go on to purchase a plot.

Prince / Princess

Next in line to the throne. May own an unlimited number of plots in the capital Atlanta. In order to receive this rank, you have to do two of the following: Donated at least 200 gold, completed twenty bounties on behalf of the Kingdom ( wanted-list ), recruited twenty new residents who go on to purchase a plot.

Duke / Duchess

In line to the throne. May own 10 plots in the capital Atlanta. In order to receive this rank, you have to do two of the following: Donated at least 100 gold, completed five bounties on behalf of the Kingdom ( wanted-list ), recruited ten new residents who go on to purchase a plot.

Marquess / Marchioness

In line to the throne. May own 8 plots in the capital Atlanta. In order to receive this rank, you have to do 2 of the following: Donated at least 69 gold, completed 5 bounties on behalf of the Kingdom ( wanted-list ), recruited 7 new residents who go on to purchase a plot.

Count / Countess

In line to the throne. May own 7 plots in the capital Atlanta. May own a castle plot. In order to receive this rank, you have to do 2 of the following: Donated at least 59 gold, completed 4 bounties on behalf of the Kingdom ( wanted-list ), recruited 6 new residents who go on to purchase a plot.

Viscount / Viscountess

In line to the throne. May own 6 plots in the capital Atlanta. In order to receive this rank, you have to do 2 of the following: Donated at least 45 gold, completed 3 bounties on behalf of the Kingdom ( wanted-list ), recruited 5 new residents who go on to purchase a plot.

Baron / Baroness

In line to the throne. May own 5 plots in the capital Atlanta. In order to receive this rank, you have to do 2 of the following: Donated at least 39 gold, completed 3 bounties on behalf of the Kingdom ( wanted-list ), recruited 4 new residents who go on to purchase a plot.

Lord / Lady

Member of the House of Lords which is an advisory chamber to the Senate. This means they vote on laws/acts. In line to the throne. May own 3 plots in the capital Atlanta. In order to receive this rank, you have to do one of the following: Donated at least 39 gold, completed 3 bounties on behalf of the Kingdom ( wanted-list ), recruited 4 new residents who go on to purchase a plot.

Sir / Dame

Knighted resident of the Kingdom, in line to the throne. May own 2 plots in the capital Atlanta. A Knight may enforce the law. In order to receive this rank, you have to do just one of the following: Donated at least 19 gold, completed 1 bounty on behalf of the Kingdom ( wanted-list ), recruited 1 new resident.