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The Kingdom of Egypt (Arabic: المملكة المصرية, romanized: Al-Mamlaka Al-Miṣreyya) is a transcontinental country spanning the northeast corner of Africa and southwest corner of Asia via a land bridge formed by the Sinai Peninsula. Cairo is the capital and largest city of Egypt.


Ancient Era (May 1 2022 - May 15 2022)

Early Beginnings

The Terra Aurora server was opened to Premium Players on May 1 and plans were made by the former Indochinese to settle in Egypt. Another group that was interested in settling in Egypt was the Ancient Egyptians who had experience in the region throughout the Terra Nova server.

The Ancient Egyptians were the first people to create a town in Egypt on May 1 2022, this town was called Giza and was situated near the Great Bitter Lake, close to where the real town of Suez is located meanwhile, despite the late start, the former Indochinese created towns on May 2 2022, those being Cairo, Alexandria, and Suez.

Contention for the Nation

Both groups began to mine frantically to try and create Egypt first on May 2, with major progress being made the former Indochinese that day which eventually caused them to create the nation a day later on May 3. The nation being created by them resulted in a boost of morale to continue growing towns and the nation.

Suez Crisis

With the nation created and the two groups coexisting in Egypt, tensions heightened due to uncertainty about around each other. The Ancient Egyptians continued with their dedication to their Egyptian project with them beginning early stages of construction of the Suez Canal, a strategic important area for the former Indochinese, now known as Egyptians.

Discussions between Egypt and the Ancient Egyptians began on May 4 about the future of the region and Egypt. The Ancient Egyptians wishing to claim the Sinai Peninsula, the Suez Canal, parts of the Nile Delta and Nile River itself in return for joining Egypt meanwhile the Egyptians wished to be united under one nation with no restrictions on where one another could claim.

A lack of agreement between the two parties eventually caused the Ancient Egyptians to seek other opportunities outside of Egypt as the future they wished for was fading and Giza was sold to the Egyptians for 64 gold on May 7.

Completion of the Suez Canal

Once Giza was under Egyptian control, construction continued and the canal was officially opened to public usage on May 7. However, further plans to embellish the canal were planned for the future.

End of Premium access

The Premium access to Terra Aurora ended on May 8 and the server was scheduled to be opened to the public on May 13 2022. Egypt had prepared for the public release with last minute claims and mining trips.

Dawn Era (May 15 2022 - Nov 15 2022)

Battle over the Levant

After the start of the public release, The nation of Egypt faced a new problem, The town of Jerusalem was created and the people had plan to create Israel. A ticket was created on the Egyptian discord to discuss about it and concluded a Refusal to a Jewish state in the region. The Israelis people ignored that and created the nation of Israel.

To counter the Jewish state, NeFFeeh and the Former King Fluxeeh invested a lot of gold (around 3000gold) for developing town around and assure their claim in the region Al-Quds, Petra and the Suez were the principal town invested. To counter Jewish expansion and assure peace in the area, Egypt, Babylon and Rüm(Turkey) created the Saadabad Pact and formalized border between them.

Only one battle occurred: The Skirmish of Jerusalem (Egypt,Babylon and Turkey)

  • 5 deaths on the Jerusalem side
  • 0 deaths on the Egyptian side

Decline of Egypt

From July to August Egypt went through a period of decline, this was instigated by an overall lack of interest to play on EarthMC which was made apparent by the inactivity of Fluxeeh and other key members of Egypt. Not much progress was made during this period as the nation continued to decline due to inactivity, Egypt suffered a massive loss in terms of losing its second biggest town at the time, Al Quds. Omereise, the former mayor of Al Quds sold the town to Israel, this was seen as a blatant betrayal by Egypt which had invested a considerable amount of gold into the town and had supported its fight against Israel.

Around August Egypt had dropped to its lowest point, its overall resident count had dropped below 20 and Egyptian towns were beginning to leave to join Israel instead, the towns of Alexandria and Bushlandia left Egypt to join Israel. Another town on the Israeli border, Petra left Egypt due to the lack of a nation bonus and overall inactivity in Egypt. At the same time Israel had launched their expansion into Egypt, 4 Israeli towns had been made within Egypt, and 3 of these towns were made close to Cairo, surrounding the Egyptian Capital on the South, West, and North (including the former Egyptian town of Alexandria).

The 20th of August 2022 marked the end of this period, on this day Fluxeeh, notable for being the King of Terranova Indochina, one of the Founders of the Rajasa Pact, and the Founder and First King of Egypt, announced his abdication and departure from EarthMC. Replacing him was Lumpoon, formerly the Mayor of Mecca and a long-time player on Terranova Indochina.

Rebirth of Egypt and Isolationism

After Lumpoon had given Mecca to Isekung_MC (a member of the Egyptian Royal Family), he moved to Cairo where the nation was passed over to Lumpoon and he was set up to be the new and Second King of Egypt. Lumpoon faced multiple immediate issues, these were: rampant inactivity, a decline in towns and claimed chunks, a non-existent nation bonus, Israeli expansion into Egypt, Egyptian towns leaving to join other nations, and other attempts from Arabia to recruit Egyptian towns. Using his experience from Terranova, Lumpoon decided that the best way to get Egypt out of the decline was through restoring confidence within the nation, he hoped to do this through Cairo with combined recruiting, expanding, and building. Along with this was the introduction of #Daily-logs, which functioned as a diary/news channel for daily updates in Cairo, currently it has over 64 posts detailing Cairo’s growth and build-up from the 20th of August to now.

Particularly Egypt became increasingly isolationistic, rejecting offers to join any other alliances in Africa or the Middle East (except for the Caliphate), this was done under the principle that the focus should solely be on reversing the decline and on favoring practical reasoning over external reasoning e.g., matters that have no practical effect on in-game progress. Egypt did not get involved in any affairs outside of Egypt, most notably the numerous wars and interventions that occurred in the Middle East surrounding Kushan and the Sassanid Empire. Lumpoon introduced some reforms to the banking system, the recruitment system, and the Egyptian Government, but elections were suspended and are still so presently. Through sustained growth and expansion, Egypt was able to slowly reverse the decline that had been caused by inactivity, by early October Egypt was at around 60+ residents, 1k chunks, and was at around 15 towns.

The Israeli towns within Egypt slowly began to fall one by one, most notable was the fall of Israeli Alexandria and the restoration of Egyptian Alexandria under Neffeeh, marking the end of Israeli presence and control over the Nile Delta. During this time, the Caliphate was formed, an alliance between Egypt and Turkey, this was the first diplomatic action taken under Lumpoon since August. However, the policy of isolationism and the heavy emphasis on reversing the decline proved to be highly effective, Egypt was not entangled with outside affairs meaning that it could primarily focus on resolving its internal issues which it was able to do, by now Egypt had completely reversed its decline. The downside to this is that Egypt was isolated in the region, combined with the older generation of nations within the region falling or going inactive made this situation far more drastic, though this was resolved in late January. Egypt’s overall stats had significantly shifted since August and surpassed pre-decline Egypt, by mid-January Egypt had achieved over 2k claimed chunks, around 140+ residents, and had 25 towns, a tremendous transformation from a declining nation to an actively growing nation.

Advent Era (May 15 2022 - Feb 15 2023)

Rise of the Libyan Coast

Following the growth efforts taking place in the Nile Delta, the Egyptian-occupied Libyan coast was also beginning to grow. After StoffeH, who originally settled in the Caribbean, and who was a long time of Neffeeh, the original owner of the town of Benghazi, managed to gain ownership over the town. Neffeeh left to create the town of Alexandria. With help from the government, the two towns that were situated on the coast, Benghazi and Tobruk, began to grow

Politics and Government

Egypt is a unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy led by Lumpoon who is the King of Egypt. There are no elections scheduled for Egyptian Prime Minister.

Mayors of towns in Egypt are Members of the Parliament of Egypt and can vote in national decisions within the House of Representatives.


Architectural Wonders

The Giza Necropolis

Information to be added.

The Suez Canal

Information to be added.

Great Mosque of Mecca

Information to be added.

Foreign Relations

The foreign relations of Egypt are handled by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Egypt is currently allied with the nation of Afghanistan, part of the Saadabad Pact and the Sydney Accord.

List of Towns

Name Mayor Population Size Founded
Cairo Lumpoon 87 400 2 May 2022
Benghazi Stoffeeh 24 116 3 May 2022
Eltor Nemupy 7 152 17 September 2022
Tobruk Guyeeh 6 149 17 May 2022
Meroe eichichi 2 51 31 May 2022
Suez Char322 1 62 2 May 2022
Mecca Isekung_MC 1 128 3 May 2022
Petra flurrry 1 96 17 May 2022
Giza BamBamTheEggman 1 71 16 July 2022
Eden DocW 1 38 14 May 2022
Cyprus Omkar 1 19 1 May 2022
Luxor Nathannielthefou 1 15 15 May 2022
Alexandria NeFFeeh 1 13 22 October 2022
Port-Argeen UnleashdaBarista 1 8 1 October 2022
Bani wisagriimm 1 7 20 September 2022
Port_Sudan Alkrih 1 5 19 September 2022

Notable People

  • Fluxeeh - First King of Egypt.
  • Lumpoon - Second and current King of Egypt.
  • NeFFeeh - Member of the Egyptian Royal Family and Mayor of Alexandria.
  • Stoffeeh - Member of the Egyptian Royal Family and Mayor of Benghazi.
  • Rajeeh - Member of the Egyptian Royal Family.
  • Guyeeh - Member of the Egyptian Royal Family and Mayor of Tobruk.
  • Char322 - Member of the Egyptian Royal Family and Mayor of Suez.
  • Isekung_MC - Member of the Egyptian Royal Family and Mayor of Mecca
  • TavethII - Former Member of the Egyptian Royal Family.
  • Jump Fox - Former Member of the Egyptian Royal Family.