Aurora:Panth r

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Panth_r was a former EMC, former Prime Minister of Australia, King of Oceania, Military General of Pilbara, and current Chief Justice of Pilbara.


Terra Nova

Panth_r joined Terra Nova for the first time on September 21st 2021 after watching Toycat's EarthMC video and being fascinated by the concept of the server. Quickly after spawning in Mongolia, Panth_r would join the Australian town of Newcastle, led by Valkiee.

After only a few weeks of playing EarthMC, Panth_r purchased the town of Darwin, where he would stay until the town 42'd following Nova's closure.

Panth_r contributed to several conflicts in Terra Nova, most importantly the Oniyama Conflict, in which he directly fought along other Australians such as Jacjacheed, thebandit08 and others in battle against the Japanese led by Oniyao. He also participated less directly in the New Holland and Down Under Rebellions.

Terra Aurora

Panth_r would not intitially play very much of EarthMC after the release of Terra Aurora, remaining mostly inactive as a resident of the town of Canberra for almost a year. While there were several other smaller towns such as Darwin which he created, he lost interest in most, deleting them within a few weeks of creation. He temporarily served as Australian PM during mid 2023, but stepped down from the role after around 2 weeks, giving it to 323Two.

In around September 2023, Panth_r would begin playing EMC actively again. He created the town of Albury in Southeastern New South Wales, and also joined thebandit08 in his campaign to become Australian Prime Minister, becoming his Deputy PM after the election. He would spend the next few weeks working on his town, building several skyscrapers and other buildings. However, on the 8th of December 2023, GabeTheSavior, King of Australia as well as thebandit08, Prime Minister of Australia were both doxxed, and temporarily quit EMC, while abdicating from both of their positions, leaving them to Gaggy_ and Panth_r respectively, with Panth_r taking temporary control of the Australian capital CooberPedy, returning it to SCOBlade shortly after.

Shortly after the doxxing, Australia would make peace with Pilbara, whom they had been fighting for 2 months, signing a peace treaty granting Pilbara full independence, the first nation on the continent in almost a year to be fully independent of Australia and Victoria. However, due to Panth_r's major involvement in signing the treaty, which was very unpopular with Australians, he was voted out of office in the January 2024 Elections.

The Oceania Era

During the Jan 2024 Election Period, Panth_r, thebandit08 and GabeTheSavior had been conspiring to return to EMC, and create their own nation within Australia, which was done on the 12th of January 2024, as Oceania was transferred to GabeTheSavior by 323Two, who swiftly moved the capital to Canberra, and declared independence from Australia.

During the same day as this, Panth_r and GabeTheSavior conspired to rob CooberPedy of all its valuables and Gold, and before their permissions were removed, the entire head collection of SCOBlade and Gabe, as well as 4000 Gold were removed from CooberPedy. These two events marked the beginning of the Oceania-Australia War.

Oceania was founded as a Republic with 3 Chancellors at its head, GabeTheSavior, Panth_r and TheBandit08. During the early stages of Oceania, many noteable players would join, such as Sneakyavi, LCGau, Toastedbread812, Oliryan as well as several others.

Panth_r acquired the town of Goulbourn from Crocheting, which was soon renamed to Albury. In the next few months following Panth_r acquiring the town, it became the largest town on the East Coast by residents, having 49 at its peak. During the Oceania-Australia War, Panth_r was apart of several battles and skirmishes, such as the Siege of Simpson, Battle of Booderee and others, as well as hunting several residents of Australia.

Oceania would come to an end on March 29th 2024, when Oceania would merge into its close ally Pilbara following GabeTheSavior quitting, and thebandit08 leaving the nation. The nation of Oceania would be given back to thebandit08, and is now based in Sydney.

The Pilbara Era

After joining Pilbara, Panth_r and several other of Oceania's highest ranking officials would be granted advisory positions in Pilbara's Government until the next election due to the terms of the Union. Panth_r would run in the next election for the position of Minister of Defence, but would lose to GalaxyGaming2000, becoming a Military General for the remainder of the war. During this period, Panth_r contributed to Pilbara in several ways, writing the Constitution of Pilbara, securing Pilbara's position in the Organization of Free Nations, and securing positive relations with neighbouring nations such as Havaiki.

The 2nd Australian-Pilbaran War came to an end on April 25th 2024, when Pilbara and Australia signed the Treaty of Albury. Following this, Pilbara would not fight any major conflicts on the Australian Continent, however, Panth_r would direct Pilbara into a few minor conflicts.

Zealandia Conflict

Following Zealandia's declaration of war against Havaiki, Panth_r would declare Pilbaran support for Havaiki against Zealandia due to their close ties forged as apart of the OFN together. Following Zealandia also declaring war on Australia, Panth_r would officially introduce the "War on Zealandia" bill, which unanimously passed the Pilbaran Parliament, and led to Pilbara declaring war on Zealandia.

Korean Conflict

Panth_r had purchased the nation of North_Korea from Sculkin for 200G as a joke, and had transferred its control to GabeTheSavior, who became the temporary "Supreme Leader" of the Pilbaran colony of North Korea. However, the Kingdom of Korea swiftly gave Pilbara an ultimatum, to grant control of North_Korea to them or face war. After tense negociations, Pilbara released North Korea as an independent nation, which calmed tensions, however, Pilbara remained an enemy of Korea.

Texas Conflict

After the outbreak of war between Texas and the OFN, Panth_r worked to support the OFN by planting towns near the Texan capital of Houston, founding the towns of Weezer and Weezer2. Both towns would eventually join Cascadia. As well as this, Panth_r supplied Cascadia and Vermont with gear in order to support their war.


On the 11th of July 2024, Panth_r was permanently banned from EarthMC due to X-Raying, which was leaked due to him posting a screenshot to the public TBI server displaying his use of X-Ray, which was swiftly seen by moderators, and led to his ban. Before he was banned, his town and all of his valuables were given to GabeTheSavior, who now controls Albury.

A service was held a few weeks later for Panth_r, with around 20 players attending to pay their respects, including friends, foreigners and former enemies.

Post Ban

Panth_r stayed around following his ban, still partaking in Pilbaran Politics, helping the campaign of the Pilbaran Unionist Party, however they ultimately lost the election. Panth_r also founded the Electoral Scrutiny Commission, which is now in charge of running Pilbaran Elections, and ran the recent October - December Election.