Aurora:Pilbara Unionist Party

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Pilbara Unionist Party (PUP)
Party Information
Full Name Pilbara Unionist Party
Abbreviation PUP
Political Leaning Center-Left
Policies N/A
Motto Progress. Stability. Growth.
Established June 5th, 2024
Leader GabeTheSavior
Members GabeTheSavior, Panth_rz, GalaxyGaming2000, Sneakyavi, jacky20022, rmbeesle, SparkleAquaRose, Zydv
Points N/A

The Pilbara Unionist Party (PUP) (previously referred to as the Oceania Party, then the Pilbaran Liberals, and later the Pilbara Freedom Party) was a center-right political party in Pilbara, established by Panth_r. Despite existing for just one election (August 2024 - September 2024), it displayed promise, winning 8 points, just one less than the Pilbaran Progressors Party.

Campaign poster of GabeTheSavior

First Pilbaran Unionist Party

On the 5th of June, 2024, the Oceania Political Party was established, initially with the intent to place members of the nation Oceania in parliament. This simple premise would later evolve into a more broad liberal ideology, as members from Pilbara later joined the Party. On June 12th, 2024, Panth_r renamed the party to the "Pilbaran Liberals" due to the growth of the liberal ideology.

Pilbaran Liberals logo

On the 18th of June, 2024, the name was changed by Panth_r again to the "Pilbara Freedom Party.", however would quickly change it to the ""Pilbara Unionist Party.", which would ultimately be the Parties name. On July 7th, 2024, a headquarters within Canberra was opened by GabeTheSavior, with Izzy_Vv and GalaxyGaming2000 having contributed to the interior design.

The interior of the headquarters

Panth_r Ban

On the 11th of July, 2024, Panth_r was banned for the use of x-ray. As such, GabeTheSavior was given leadership of the party, and has led the party ever since.


On September 11th, 2024, GabeTheSavior announced the dissolution of the PUP, alongside his departure from EMC.

GabeTheSavior's dissolution announcement

Second Pilbaran Unionist Party

On November 19th 2024, GabeTheSavior announced the return of the PUP, with new members and a welfare-left (centre-left) ideology. On this same day, he announced that the PUP was joining in an alliance with the United Development Party.

On the 22nd of November 2024, GabeTheSavior declared his ticket for Prime Minister, with running mate rmbeesle. He followed this by an outline of the PUP's new policy: The Making Pilbara Safe Initiative, as well as several other policies such as the Pilbaran Town Support and Keeping Pilbara Defended Policies in the following days.

The Election was a massive success for the PUP/UDP Coalition, as they together won nine out ten total seats, with the PUP winning six, and the UDP winning three. The PUP would also win the Prime Minister elections, with GabeTheSavior and rmbeesle becoming Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister respectively.