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Atacama (Copiapó)
Fl copiapo fixed.png

400px-Escudo de Copiapó.svg.png
Coat of Arms

Town Information
Economic System
Official Language Flagspain.png Spanish
Englishflag.jpg English
Official Religion Secular State
Government Information
Political System
Mayor thegamer3737
Councillors TomzGodoyCPPO
Historical Information
Past Nations
Past Mayors N/A
Past Councillors N/A

Atacama (previously named Copiapó) is a town located in the middle of the Atacama desert. It was founded during the Flooding Era in July 15 by thegamer3737 and TomzGodoyCPPO. Copiapo hasn't seen many conflicts, the most recent one was the one provoked by Arabjew along with friends of his, the cause of it was that chilean residents were constantly mocking him. The flag contains three colors, the blue represents Liberty, the white represents peace, and the star represents the people of Atacama.


Copiapó was founded in July 15 in the Flooding Era, by the Owner thegamer3737 and Councillor TomzGodoyCPPO, it was instantly integrated to Chile when founded, a conflict started in that moment since Copiapó was founded inbetween of Bolivia-Peru's limits, the city of BeTa_Corp which was right next to Copiapó turned the city into a landlocked territory. As time passed by BeTa_Corp fell and Bolivia-Peru ceded the lands to the city.

Future of Copiapó

Copiapó recently has been Building their main city along side residential houses, with the intention of not only receiving spanish speaking players but also english speakers.

Recent Conflicts with nations

Copiapó experienced the fall of Chile due to the recent conflicts between CRISTUL12 and Keizap78, this conflict divided Chile in two factions, the one led by Keizap78 and CRISTUL12.

This conflict started due to previous discussions that happened within the community, in which 78Coryx got removed of her charge of Councillor, therefore causing an internal conflict which ended up with the fall of Old Chile .

After Chile was dismantled, the brand new nation of Peru-viceroyalty was created within Chile's borders. mainly between the cities of Concepción and Antofagasta.

Not long after, Chile was created again, after 5 hours of peruvian domain within chilean lands, thus giving origin to the modern nation of Chile.


Atacama's most recognizable places are based off buildings of the actual city of Copiapó, some of which still exist and some don't. Some of these creations are the "Municipality Of Copiapó" the "Regional Bank of Copiapó" and "The Train Station".

Copiapó is mainly built around a neo-classical style, trying to keep an ambience similar of the colonial period.

Notable People

The people named in here helped building the city and helped economically,

  • TomzGodoyCPPO
  • JonnyGrunge
  • 78Mix
  • LightTHC

City Subdivisions

The city of Atacama has 3 Subdivisions, "Copiapó" which is be the Center of the city, "Caldera" which covers most of the coastal part of the city, and "El Salvador" wich covers the northern fraction and the mountain range of Los Andes.

Economics of Atacama

The economy on Atacama consists mostly on a farming industry and mining industry, which exports wood and green decorations due to the large ammount of cactuses within the zone and minerals such as diamonds and emeralds.

Atacama's economy is based off the economy of Madagascar.

Region of Atacama

Copiapó is the capital of Atacama (The Atacama Desert) which is part of mainland Chile,, Atacama is mostly in charge of this area.

The Region Of Atacama.png

Nowadays, Atacama controls about 60% of the region.

The neightboring Regions that surround Atacama are:

  • Region de Coquimbo (South)
  • Region de Antofagasta (North)
  • Catamarca (East / Argentina)
  • La Rioja (East / Argentina)