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Flag of Karafuto
The Karafuto Flag


Karafuto is a nation located in the Island of Karafuto located in the IRL Russian controlled part of the Japanese Archipelago. Karafuto as of November 9 has 2 towns:

  • Bijin (Capital)
  • Ryujin

The nation is led by julianmxchoppa (Commander_Skeppy).


With the help of infamous player Yllalen, Both the town of Bijin and the nation of Karafuto where created on November 3rd 2020. From the beginning, Karafuto was in a dangerous position, being attacked by the Japanese Emperor KawadaJP and his allies numerous times, making it a battle of the ongoing Japanese Civil War. Karafuto got help from Ishikari, but it wasn't enough to beat the Japanese. It would also start a conflict with Japan and Karafuto, even tho war hasn't been officially declared by any side.

Right after the confrontation, the town of Ryujin which is led by Yaki_Yaiba joined the nation.

Not much has happened with the nation, apart from a few more encounters between KawadaJP and julianmxchoppa. Karafuto has also started many alliances with nation like Quebec, Asia, Pakistan, Australian and more. The City of Bijin has expanded into Manchurea, and continues to get bigger. As of November 9th, over 1600G has been invested into the development and Expansion of Karafuto.

On November 7th 2020, julianmxchoppa got irl health complications, to the point that on November 9th, he gave partial control of Karafuto to player StellarSamurai which is the Shogun of Ishikari.

The Karafuto Government

The Karafuto government is a really simple government formation. It is a resemblance of the current Imperial System in Japan, and the old Ashikagaist ideology followed by Ashikaga, even tho is closer to the Imperial System.


The Chiji is the title of the leader of a Prefecture. In the case of Karafuto, the Chiji acts like an Emperor, but takes a bit of a democratic approach. Here is some of the powers that the Chiji has

  • Choose the Daijin and Shisho of the Nation
  • Invite towns into the Nation
  • Can pass laws

The Chiji is the most powerful person in the Prefecture, and can only be overtaken by a predecessor chosen by the Chiji himself.


The Shusho is the Prime Minister in the Prefecture. The Shusho gets some powers that the Chiji has like Inviting towns, passing laws, and can sometimes select the Daijin of the Prefecture. Shusho acts more like a group leader than an authority in the upper government. Shusho are elected every 2 months.


The Daijin are the Ministers in the Prefecture. The Daijin are democratically elected, and have more specific jobs than the Shusho. There are 3 Daijin in the Prefecture:

  • Daijin of Foreign Affairs
  • Daijin of Agriculture
  • Daijin of Economy and Trade

In the event that a Daijin can't perform his job, a back up Daijin that is appointed by the Chiji will take over until the Daijin can retake his job.

Join Giin

The Join Giin are the senators in the Prefecute. Karafuto instead of having the usual Parliament, it has a Join (Senate) which is comprised of Majors and Town Councellors.