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National Information
Full Name Karafuto
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Motto 試行錯誤したときに治療が必要な人

Кому нужна терапия, когда у тебя метод проб и ошибок

Population 5
Chunks 80
Capital City Traumiland
Largest City Traumiland
Oldest City Traumiland
Government Information
Political System Monarchy
Economic System Gold Icon.png Capitalism
Army Size Confidential
Part of
Historical Information


Karafuto is a nation located in the Island of Karafuto located in the IRL Russian controlled part of the Japanese Archipelago. Karafuto as of January 2021 has 1 town:

  • Traumiland (Capital)

The nation is led by Fr0z3nW1nt3r


With the help of infamous player Yllalen, Both the town of Bijin and the nation of Karafuto where created on November 3rd 2020. From the beginning, Karafuto was in a dangerous position, being attacked by the Japanese Emperor KawadaJP and his allies numerous times, making it a battle of the ongoing Japanese Civil War. Karafuto got help from Ishikari, but it wasn't enough to beat the Japanese. It would also start a conflict with Japan and Karafuto, even tho war hasn't been officially declared by any side.

Right after the confrontation, the town of Ryujin which is led by Yaki_Yaiba joined the nation.

Not much has happened with the nation, apart from a few more encounters between KawadaJP and julianmxchoppa. Karafuto has also started many alliances with nation like Quebec, Asia, Pakistan, Australian and more. The City of Bijin has expanded into Manchurea, and continues to get bigger. As of December 2nd, over 2000G has been invested into the development and Expansion of Karafuto.

On November 7th 2020, julianmxchoppa got irl health complications, to the point that on November 9th, he gave partial control of Karafuto to player StellarSamurai which is the Shogun of Ishikari.

During the days before November 20th, a lot would go on behind the scenes of Karafuto, such as many plans to remake the Karafuto region; specially the Bijin area. On November 25th 2020, Katafuto joined the PRS, making julianmxchoppa a leader of it. November 26th 2020, Karafuto joined the Northern Entente, later joining the New Northern Entente on the 29th. On November 27th 2020, the nations of Karafuto, Shimazu, and Ishikari created the Kamakura Pact. On the 28th, Karafuto joined Nunavut as a colony. The next day, Nunavut joined Karafuto as a colony.

The nation was given away to Fr0z3nW1nt3r on January 3 2020, and has remained inactive ever since. Around that time, the town of Ryujin left the nation to join Japan.

The Karafuto Government

After the take over of Fr0z3nW1nt3r, the system in place has been a stagnant monarchy. With the ruler being the sole resident of the nation. The nation remains in this state though more members join the nation.