Nova:South America

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South America
Coat of Arms
National Information
Full Name South America
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Capital City Port Hope
Largest City
Oldest City
Government Information
Political System Monarchy
Economic System
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information

South America is a nation on the northeast coast of the South American continent formed during EMC's Decay Era. The nation hates Brazil.


South America was formed by rebels fleeing Brazil who felt unheard and betrayed by the Brazilian leadership even after having gifts of Gold and new members from the leadership of Brazil.

Finding sanctuary in Port Hope, these same rebels fought back against the entire military force of Brazil, defending the city long enough to secure sufficient gold for a nation. On November 27, less than two weeks after leaving Brazil, the nation was born. A massive propaganda of "Brazil Bad" as made by its King, but it didnt end up well.

◼︎ Loves Violence ◼︎

Port Hope was founded by johnnydeputy on Oct 23, 2020, Olivio90 asked johnny to make the town in Brazil instead of africa. After some time, johnny decided to make Port Hope in brazil and that can be checked by the logs in game. The holder of Brazil says that he regrets bringing JohnnyDeputy to the Brazilian territory. During the time Port Hope was in Brazil, Johnny claims to has done good things, such as:

  • The economy (donating countless supplies, mats, and more to Brazilian players every day).
  • The nation (funding two Brazilian towns, loaning gold to Brazilian players).
  • The infrastructure (building the National Brazilian Iceway System still in use today).

However, according to Brazil, nothing was donated to Brazil but yes taken from, Brazil claims to have given more than 160g to help to claim Port Hope, Brazil also says that Port Hope has never funded any town for Brazil, but Brazil recognizes that Johnny made the ice roads that are today used to transport the several towns that Brazil holds in the region.

After losing a sale of horses in one day, even after having a lot of funding from Brazil's bank and have residents recruited from Brazil's administration, the King of Port Hope decided to leave the nation and be aggressive to Brazil, for considering Brazil as the main cause to all JohnnyDeputy's problems.

◼︎ Loves to Fight ◼︎

Within minutes, the Prime Minister of Brazil logged in and proceeded to convince Port Hope (along with Brazil allies of Port Hope) back into the nation. The Prime Minister declared Port Hope a rebel town, even going so far as to copy-paste the 'rebel town' message into global chat for all to see.

Those decisions were taken by the Prime Minister of Brazil, which is a democratic nation. After several attempts of Brazil to make peace with SouthAmerica, the nation of SouthAmerica decided to declare war to have Brazil's recognition as a normal nation.

The nation also promised to help the nation of Goiania to be born when the leader as xFiji, but with that, SouthAmerica also asked a loan from xFiji, which was never paied back, even months after its creation. xFiji was so disappointed that he decided to leave and join Nubia. The Nubian Nation, knowing about what happened with xFiji when he joined it, declared war to SouthAmerica. The nation always had a lot of enemies due to its love for fights and conflits.

This is a picture showing Obungle, the mayor of Disneyland making a threat, but it doesnt mean the administration of Brazil agreed with that.

Nowadays, the nation is inactive since the dream of destroying Brazil never became reality.

◼︎ More Info ◼︎

Each day, members of South America are bombarded by coordinated messages from Brazilians being told to leave South America as an advice about JohnnyDeputy behavior.

Example of a mass messaging campaign by Olivio90 (Nicknamed 'Brazil') and his puppets.
Members of Brazil telling gizmo0122, a close friend of Johnnydeputy, that he isnt trustable.

South America's refused to be left alone and allowed to play Minecraft, the King of the nation said once his only goal is to destroy Brazil.


Within South America there is no official system of government. Citizens are able to do what they want. However, they have no ties to anarchism or other pro-anarchist groups. Instead, their creed is simple: "just play Minecraft how you want", similar to what was created in Brazil and in Xingu, but without any government other than the King, Johnnydeputy.

From johnnydeputy, founder of South America:

Join Brazil if you want. Leave the nation if you want. Make a living scamming people if you want. However you want to play EMC is up to you.

The goal of the nation is to allow players to play the game without threat of violence if they choose to make their own nations, break the rules, or say what might be considered "questionable content" in chat. Along those lines, if mayors of South American towns would like to adopt their own systems of government or impose restrictions on their residents they are free to do so. There are no rules for mayors/members set by the johnnydeputy or by the nation as a whole.

This emphasis on freedom and self-autonomy is reflected in their core values:

  • STRENGTH — We are tired of being pushed around by bigger nations. We exist now to push back.
  • TRUTH — We are tired of lies and propaganda. We exist now to bring transparency and honesty to the region.
  • FREEDOM — We are tired of being told how to play the game. We exist now to give everyone a safe place to play their way.
  • UNITY — We are tired of infighting, corruption, and petty politics. We exist now to dominate South America together, as a single unit.

These core values (STFU) are the closest thing that South America has to any official system of government.


South America has four towns:

  • Port Hope (Founded Oct 23, 2020)
  • Cheboygan (Founded Dec 1, 2020)
  • Brasilia (Founded Dec 21, 2020)