Paris (Classic)

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Varsellies, known by many as "The Paris Palace"

Paris is a town in Western Europe ruled by Paulevans2007. It is the capital of France.


Paris was origionally the Vatican City and was ruled by Sarmango. Eventually ( i think it was in the late summer of 2017) he moved the town to Paris and renamed it, leaving the Vatican as an outpost. however eventually Sarmango went inactive and the city sat dormant for months, eventually he gave it to Kadethedank. After Kadethedank went inactive many times, Kade gave the town to Paulevans2007 after Paris rebelled from MonaFrance and joined Mustachegames in Hungary. Today Paris is in a new golden age with it actually looking nice for once.

Millitary base in Paris built during the MonaFrance era. The Base was built over a old millitary base from when Sarmango was mayor
Hotel scribe in Paris

View of Paris to the north side. Arc de Triomphe can be seen in this photo.
Asher1099 (Founder of Hungary) Mustachegames (Archduke of Austria) and Runnerboy72000 (leader of Russia) standing on the steps of the Varsellies. This is a rare picture of them standing together because it was taken during the Russo - Hungarian war.