Unified Llamaism

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What is Llamaism?

Llamaism is a religion created in Yorktown and Michigan. It was created on August 1, 2017. Llamaism is the worship of Llamas. Llamas are supposed to be sacred and the best animal in the whole earth. (Which they are)

The Rules of Llamaism

With Llamaism there comes rules. Here are some rules

1.) Do not eat wheat

2.) Do not eat chicken

3.) Do not hurt the Pope

How to worship Llamaism

If you worship Llamaism I encourage you to build Llama churches here are some names you can Name them

1.) St. Jonathin Church

2.) Cusco I Church

3.) Cusco II Church

4.) Cusco III Church

5.) Lumi I Church

Llamaism Cities

The Capital of Llamaism is Llama City it is in the ruins of Palouse. Llama City is home to the Llama Palace were the Pope and royal family lives. It also is home to the Cusco de Llama statue which is a giant Llama Statue looming over Llama City. Llama City is where Cusco I and the other Canadian Llamas were found.

Cusco Dynasty


The Cusco Dynasty started when PETA stole a Llama from the town of Bellingham, this Llama was named Cusco and that is when Llamaism started and when the Cusco Dynasty started, soon after this they had a trail of Llamas and a lot of people where following them. A player named TheOverlord01 was shooting arrows and people told him to watch the llama then he shot the arrow straight at Cusco causing him to be assasinated. The next pope came right after Cusco named Cusco II then Cusco II retired and Llamaism had no pope for awhile.


The next pope was a pope named Noki. He was found near a lake that is now called Lake Noki and was taking back to Yorktown. He would serve as pope until his assassination by an unknown player (thought to be Endersgames but there is 0 proof) Noki's death was sad because it was the first llama in Yorktown. The next pope was named Casper it was a baby llama and was said to be the reincarnation of Noki but that pope died as a child from drowning. Then llamaism didn't have a pope for another while.


LoganCreeper50 wanted another Llama pope, PolkadotBlueBear said he could sell him a Llama so LoganCreeper50 took that opportunity and took it back to Yorktown, he was pope until...


With the new Pope named Llama, a player named DDime said he was not in the Cusco bloodline so Llamaism split into, Midwest Llamaism, Northeast Llamaism, and Northwest Llamaism. Midwest Llamaism declared a crusade again Northwest Llamaism