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This page is talking about the current Ming, for the old one please see

At the time of 2019, China region was in turmoil. There are warlords separating the country, and the Evil is holding the power. There are strong enemies invading, and the Evil waits for an opportunity to move. Only by doing the right thing in the right time and having ambition in our heart, the society can be saved.

MC earth Ming

Ming, a young country, is rising on the land of China, bringing hope for peace and prosperity to the country that has suffered from disasters. Although she has a very rough past, her future must be bright. A long time ago, several major cities in Ming, namely Nanjing and Huai'an, were inhabited. Undoubtedly, they abandoned it there. The village was turned into a wasteland for the ruins, until waiting for the arrival of a new owner. The Bad Emperor ruled after that. As the name suggests, the Bad Emperor is insatiable, sinister, and did not deal with national issues. No one believed in him. In the end, the Bad Emperor ended his ruthless rule, leaving a mess that was difficult to clean up and he became the object of disgust and spurn. At this time, a group of enthusiastic young people gathered the people, and they formed a parliament, ready to let Ming rise from the darkness. And they succeeded.


MC earth 大明篇

大明,一个年轻的国家,正在神州大地上冉冉升起,为饱受风雨摧残的破碎国度带来一线和平与繁荣的希望。她虽然有着无比坎坷的过去,但她的未来必然是光明的。 很久以前,大明的几个主要城市—南京和淮安便有人居住。毋庸置疑的,他们抛弃了那里。村庄化为了废墟,良田变成了荒地,直到等待着有新的主人的到来。 狗皇帝在随后的日子里统治了,人如其名,狗皇帝贪得无厌,为人险恶,不理朝政。无人信服与他。最终,狗皇帝结束了他的昏庸之治,留下难以收拾的烂摊子,成为了众人厌恶和唾弃的对象。 此时,一伙踌躇满志的年轻人召集了黎民百姓,他们组建了内阁,准备让大明从黑暗之中崛起。 他们成功了。

Ming’s cities: Ying Tianfu: Ming’s capital, Nanjing is the most important city in the heart of Ming. Ming is also borned in here. For a long time, in the eyes of the people of Ming, this is the most fertile area. In addition to Xianyang, only Shun Tianfu and Nanchang in China can compete with Yingtianfu. The people of Nanjing are outstanding, and they can govern Chang'an and Yan Yanjing. They can govern the southern Xinjiang and connect the important towns. At the same time, Nanjing, as the ancient capital of six dynasties, is prosperous and solemn, old and not viable; its old name "Yingtian" also refers to "Following the Heaven’s order", which highlights the orthodoxy of Ming. Ying Tianfu is also the most international and rich place of Ming, and the center of power. The towers here are stunned and rigorous. The soldiers of Ming are stationed here all the year round to defend this holy place they love. They are also the pride of Ming, the best warriors Ming has, and the guard of Ming. Under the command of the Generals and the Minister of the Ministry of Military Affairs, they are well-trained, well-equipped, united and determined.

大明诸城: 应天府: 大明帝都,南京是位于大明心脏地带的最重要的城市。大明也在这里起。长久以来,大明百姓的眼中,这里都是最为富饶的地带。除咸阳外,全中国也只有顺天府和南昌才能与应天府竞争大小。 南京人杰地灵,上可远望长安、睥睨燕京,下可治理南疆,连结重镇,乃官政要地。同时,南京作为六朝古都,繁华而不失庄严,古老而不失活力;其旧名“应天”又指“上应天意”,彰显大明之正统。应天府也是整个大明最国际化、富有的地盘,亦是权力的中心。 这里城楼俨然,守备森严。大明的将士常年驻守在此处,保卫这片他们热爱的圣地,他们也是大明的骄傲,最为善战的勇士,也是大明的禁卫。在骠骑大将军与兵部尚书的指挥下,他们训练有素,装备愈发精良,并且团结一致,决心坚定。

Geography: Ying Tianfu is surrounded by forests and is located in the center of the rich cities of Qin. The raging river flowing through the Yangtze River passes through it and leads directly to the sea.

地理: 应天府被森林所环绕,处在秦国诸个富饶城市的中心。长江奔腾不息的汹涌河水从中穿过,直通大海。

Custom: The residents of Yingtianfu are warm and welcoming, friendly and kind. They believe that the best times of Ming are about to be built by their hands - praise sigma! This is the land where countless heroes are born, and the unyielding spirit hides here.

风俗: 应天府的居民热情好客,友好善良。他们相信大明最好的时代即将在他们的双手中建立—赞美西格玛!这可是诞生无数英雄好汉的土地,不屈的精神庇佑着这里。


(看看就好,中文穿插难度大= = )

Chapter of the Antarctic "Aurora's Watchman"

南极府之章 “震旦的守望者”

Ancient times: The creators of Dawn Fortress, the founder of the Antarctic, QuaserDex and FlameofSigmar are convinced that, in the distant past, there was a fortress in the dawn, a group of non-human immigrants lived. Their people have powerful magic and grand civilization, but they have disappeared into the long river of history because of infighting, stupidity and unknown natural disasters. The only thing we can tell at the moment is that the colonists seem to believe in some of the gods they claim to be creating the world, but it is clear that the gods have not saved them, and it is probably like jokes that are as hypocritical and weak.

古老年代: 黎明要塞—也就是南极府—的创建者QuaserDex与FlameofSigmar深信,在遥远的过去,曾经事黎明要塞的地方,居住着一批非人类的移民者。他们的族人拥有强大的魔法和恢宏的文明,却因为内斗、愚蠢和不知名的天灾消失在了历史的长河中。 目前我们唯一能得知的是那些殖民者似乎信仰某种他们自称是创建世界的神明,但很显然,那个神明被没有拯救他们,而且很可能像笑话与童谣中一样虚伪和弱小。

Wild age: At the time of the world's reshuffle, new forces continue to prosper on all continents, and there are few people in Antarctica. In fact, until today, Antarctica still has not established a strong country. The Dawn Fortress was abandoned, and almost all the ruins were destroyed by time.

蛮荒年代: 在世界重新洗牌之时,新的势力不断在各个大陆上繁荣昌盛,南极洲却鲜有人踏足。实际上,直到今天,南极洲依旧没有建立强大的国家。 黎明要塞被荒废了,几乎所有废墟都被时间所摧毁。

Year of exploration: Because of an occasional opportunity, QuaserDex and FlameofSigmar came to the world. They are two enthusisatic young people who have an unparalleled interest in exploration and unknowns. When FlameofSigmar learned that most of the Earth had been occupied by others, he proposed and began to implement a bold plan: conquer the vast expanse of the Antarctic. QuasiDexex joined the FlameofSigmar’s team without hesitation. After collecting enough supply and materials, the two continued to sail to the South Pole. At sea, FlameofSigmar had a dream in the early morning: there was once a strong fortress in the Antarctic that stood beside the crescent-shaped hills, and they had to rebuild the glory there. After seven days and seven nights of long and boring drifts, the two finally found the promised land of the Dawn Fortress. Surrounded by snow-capped mountains, the concave part is a natural port and it’s facing the back of the distant Australia. Except for no castles and ruins, it is almost exactly the same as that encountered by FlameofSigmar in his dream. The two were ecstatic and began to live here. According to the research on the ruins, they learned that it was originally called "Dawn Fortress" and named the town with this name.

探索年代: 因为一个偶然的机遇,QuaserDex与FlameofSigmar来到了这个世界。他们是两位踌躇满志的年轻人,对探险和未知都体现出无比的兴趣。当FlameofSigmar得知地球上的大部分地区已经被他人所占领时,他提出并开始实现了一个大胆的计划:征服南极广袤无垠的冰原。而QuaserDex义无反顾的加入FlameofSigmar队伍,两人在收集了足够的事物与材料后便陆续开展前往南极的航行。 在海上,FlameofSigmar在清晨做了一个梦:在南极的某一处曾经有一个强大的要塞屹立在月牙形的丘陵旁边,而他们必须去重建那里的辉煌。 在七天七夜的漫长且枯燥的漂泊后,两人终于找到黎明要塞这片应许之地。这里被雪山所环绕,凹陷处是一处天然的港口,正对着遥远的澳大利亚的后背。除了没有城堡和遗迹,这里几乎和FlameofSigmar所遇见的一模一样。两人欣喜若狂,开始聚居在此处。根据对遗迹的考证,他们得知这里最初被称之为“黎明要塞”,并用这个名字命名了此城镇。

Destiny age: At this time, China is in turmoil, and there is always going to have a full-scale war. In the corner of the vast land, the Bad Emperor sold the nation down the river for glory and left Ming. The rest of the people despised the Bad Emperor, they set up their own parliament, ready to build Ming. Knowing the existance of Ming and having no good feelings towards the warlord, QuaserDex and FlameofSigmar are willing to unconditionally join Ming. They want to bring hope to the citizens of this newly established emerging country – even if they can offer little help. It is the embodiment of the value of the Fortress of Dawn. From then on, the Dawn Fortress and the city that may be established in the future are called the Antarctic Palace. A few people joined the Dawn Fortress at this time, and they brought life and future to the town.

命运年代: 此时的九州动荡不安,随时都有爆发全面战争的可能。在广袤的土地的一角,狗皇帝卖国求荣,离开了明。剩下的人对于狗皇帝嗤之以鼻,他们自己组建了内阁,准备建设大明。 知晓大明且对各个豪强地主毫无好感QuaserDex与FlameofSigmar愿意无条件地投入大明的怀抱:他们希望能为这个尚未正式建立的新兴国家的同胞们带去希望—哪怕能为他们带来一点点帮助,都是对黎明要塞价值的体现。从此,黎明要塞以及以后可能被建立的城市被称为南极府。 少数人在这个时间加入了黎明要塞,他们为这座城镇带来了生机与未来。

Dawn era: With the continuous efforts of all, Ming was able to establish a country. Although the Antarctic cannot officially join Ming because of geographical barriers, the Antarctic Palace is still part of Ming. In the future, Antarctic will continue to assist Ming.

黎明年代: 在众人的不断努力下,大明得以建国。南极府虽然因为地理阻隔无法正式加入大明,但南极府依然属于大明的一部分。未来,南极府的诸位将会继续援助大明。


  • Ch1nA_BaiLu, the first player who introduced the idea of founding Ming, has never played on EarthMC at the time of writing.