Aurora:Kingdom of Poland

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The Kingdom of Poland (in-game name : Poland) is a nation on Terra Aurora, founded on May 4th 2022 by KrisusQ, which has been the first and only King of Poland.


Coat of Arms
National Information
Full Name
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Capital City
Largest City
Oldest City
Government Information
Political System
Economic System
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information

Early history

On the day of the Aurora server opening, May 1st 2022, the first towns of the future nation were founded. These towns were Cracow, Gdańsk and Warsaw. Then, on May 2nd, the third Polish town was founded, it's name being Lublin. The nation of Poland was created around 7pm CEST on May 4th, with the first capital in Cracow. As

The reconquest of Warsaw

Recent history

War with Silesia


Geographical location

Poland's "mainland" is located in Central Europe, but the nation also possesses some towns that are separated from it by other nations (like Radogoszcz, Hobolin or Vizenstaat).

Neighbours of Poland

The Polish mainland borders Aland, Lithuania, the Russian Empire, the Ukrainian State, Hungary, Silesia and Germany, while the "disconnected" towns border the Netherlands, Norway, Austria-Hungary and Deutschland.

Territorial holdings


Poland is a monarchy, ruled by King of Poland KrisusQ of the House of Poleszy.


Notable towns

Cracow - the original capital.

Warsaw - the current capital and /n spawn, with many shops located in modern skyscrapers.

Kielce - one of the biggest towns in the nation.

Wilkowyje - an almost exact replica of the fictional village of the same name from the Polish TV show Ranczo.

Polish Metro System

The Polish Metro System is an underground ice-highway system connecting 22 Polish, Silesian and Mazovian towns. As of now, the metro has 26 different stations, with new lines and stations constantly being constructed. The system greatly improves the quality and time of travel through Poland. There even are plans to construct a metro underneath the Baltic Sea to connect Poland with the Scandinavian Peninsula.