Aurora:East Antarctica

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East Antarctica
Coat of Arms
National Information
Full Name
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Capital City
Largest City
Oldest City
Government Information
Political System
Economic System Gold Icon.pngCapitalism
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information
• War with Antarctic Union May 17, 2023
• End of the war with Antarctic Union May 17, 2023

East Antarctica is a virtual nation that thrives on the Earth MC Minecraft server, known for its captivating story that spans from its humble beginnings to becoming a futuristic utopia. The heart of this captivating tale lies within its capital city, Avalon, and the determined citizens who shaped the destiny of their nation.


Avalon - The Capital City

Avalon, once a humble settlement, evolved into the majestic capital city of East Antarctica. Built with a vision of utopia, this cyberpunk metropolis stands as a symbol of hope and prosperity for its inhabitants.

Inception and Antarctic Union

East Antarctica owes its existence to the Antarctic Union, which played a pivotal role in its creation. However, as the nation developed, East Antarctica sought independence and left the Antarctic Union, leading to a month-long period of self-reliance.

The Revolutionary War

This declaration of independence ignited a revolutionary war, as East Antarctica valiantly fought against the rest of the Antarctic Union to secure its sovereignty. Despite their courage, East Antarctica faced defeat, prompting the nation to reunite with the Antarctic Union.

A New Era - Reconstruction and Growth

Reunited with the Antarctic Union, East Antarctica embarked on a new journey of reconstruction and growth. Under the visionary leadership of Giant_Spliv_1, the nation embraced a cyberpunk and futuristic aesthetic, transforming Avalon into a thriving community.

The Co-Mayor's Influence

During the revolutionary war, MovedDan emerged as a co-mayor, bringing fresh perspectives to the governance of Avalon. Together with Giant_Spliv_1, they steered the nation towards progress and unity.

Rodinition - A Key Player

In the reconstruction phase, a vital player named Rodinition joined East Antarctica. His expertise in infrastructure and commitment to the nation's development made him a key figure in maintaining the assembly and shaping the nation's future.

Present Day - A Thriving Utopia

With time, East Antarctica flourished, becoming a symbol of resilience and unity. Giant_Spliv_1, MovedDan, and Rodinition continue to lead the nation, fostering a thriving community and embracing the promise of a brighter future.


The story of East Antarctica and its capital city, Avalon, is a testament to the strength of unity, perseverance, and visionary leadership. From its inception within the Antarctic Union to a futuristic utopia, the nation's journey has captured the hearts of Minecraft enthusiasts and stands as an inspiring example of what a virtual community can achieve together.

-- More to come.