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Revision as of 09:07, 17 September 2023 by masrain (talk | contribs) (added more builds)
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Early Berlin 

Early Berlin was founded on May 1st 2022 on the first day of Aurora. All of the early nation members of France and Germany started and gathered resources here. The majority of Gold was provided by Fruitloopins who constantly grinded for gold. Once the nation of Germany was completed (and France and the town Paris). There was a rush to claim as much chunks as possible. Fruitloopins and Basically_Andrew with help from Masrain quickly got gold and claimed to max claims (with Fritzstick recruiting). Berlin was the first max claimed town on Terra Aurora.

Masrain's house and the Reichstag (including plaza) were built in this time. There were other builds made by random Residents given plots, but only one of them survives today ().

Basically_Andrew told Warriorrr to commit suicide "as a joke" and once his chances of being mod were ruined, he left the server for good.

Rapid Construction

After items, kits and the like were collected, Masrain began a campaign to build Berlin to be "a proper European city" with plans to cover every section of the relatively flat portions of Berlin. Masrain in this time also constructed the majority of the ice roads in Germany, with connections to Austria, Norway, France and Poland. It was around this time that Fruitloopins gave leadership over the town and Germany to Masrain. Fruitloopins then gained the city of Prague, which was rolled back to be a nature sanctuary in Europe (there was controversy over the town's ownership due to Kiddeyy scamming it off of the Austrians). Masrain became Helper then eventually Mod in this time.



The Reichstag was deigned by Fruitloopins and built by both Fruitloopins and Basically_Andrew. This is where the n spawn and all n spawn shops reside. Reichstag.PNG

Berliner Fernsehturm

This is the tallest building in Berlin (Third in Berlin Metro) and is based off of it's real life counterpart in Alexanderplatz It will one day hold an art gallery on the bottom. it has a restaurant and viewing platform at the top floors. Berlin fehrnstrum.PNG

Berliner Dom

This building is the main cathedral of Berlin. It has a stunning interior and one of EMC's largest domes. It will be refurbished to add extra detail and a more pronounced dome in the future. Berliner dom.PNG

Berlin Embassies

These 5 story granite townhouses are Berlin's main embassies, all but two are sold and they go for 50g each. It hosts some nice interiors and has fully customizable interiors. Berlin Embassies.PNG

Berlin Stadium

This is Germany's stadium and Europe's largest stadium. It is ready to host future EMC Football matches, but has not been used as a location as of yet. It is accessible by Ice highway. Berlin Stadium.PNG

Brandenburg Gate

This is Berlin's main attraction in real life and has been upscaled in Minecraft to get the proper detail. There is a park in front of the gate so you can view it properly from the ground. Brandenburg Gate.PNG

Masrain's Mansion

This building was created to house all the needs of Masrain and includes luxurious Quartz lined interiors and a beautiful courtyard. Masrain Mansion.PNG

Rottes Rathaus

This building is a large brick and granite building that houses the Cabal room, it can be used as either a museum or administrative palace. It hosts a very large clocktower and is the favourite of the Berliners in EMC. Rottes Rathaus.PNG

SiGoMi House

This house was built by SiGoMi to match it's surrounds. SiGoMi no longer lives there (42 day wipe) and now Tio lives there in his stead. SiGoMi House.PNG

Bahn Building

This tower was loosely based off of the Bahn Building in Potsdamerplatz Berlin. It is currently the second tallest building in Berlin (fourth in metro area). Bahn Building.PNG

BMW Headquarters

This building is a large office building that currently houses the BMW F1 team lead by Schxck_. It hosts an impressive inner foyer that extends to the top of the building. BMW headquarters.PNG

Xanareth Theatre

This theatre was based loosely off of a Hermitcraft build of similar function. The theatre was named after Xanareth (now banned player) because he was scammed immensely by Fruitloopins. You can view the full interior of this building in your own time. Xanareth Theatre.PNG

Nomad_Sky Hall

This building was made to compliment the end of the Brandenburg gate park. It has two large floors best suited to ballroom dancing. It was named after Nomad_Sky because he too was scammed immensely by Fruitloopins. Nomad Sky Hall.PNG

Chummy House

This building was built for a prominent Former Berliner and recruiter when their original home was bulldozed as part of slum clearances. Chummy house.PNG

Pinklady's Embassy

This house was designed to be an embassy and then bought by Pinklady for 25g (discount).

Pinklady's Embassy.PNG

Blue House

This embassy is named for it's striking blue interior. Currently Zhizhuxia owns this building.

Blue House.PNG

Sandy Corner

This home has great views of the Brandenburg gate and is currently owned by xiaoA233.

Sandy Corner.PNG

Noteblock Corner

This building is named after the noteblocks used in its construction. It was inspired by pictures of old Berlin. It is for sale for 50g.

Note corner.PNG

Rollin's Clock

This building is named after it's owner and the large clock tower on it's roof.

Rollins Clock.PNG