Aurora:Cape Cod

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Cape Cod
Cape Cod (Kailee)
Cape Cod Test Flag.png
Cape Cod Official Flag
Town Information
Area I'd say around 200 chunks
Continent Indonesia
Economic System
Official Language
Official Religion
Government Information
Political System
Mayor UnitiveMold2313 (Univistu)
Historical Information
Past Nations
Past Mayors
Past Councillors

Cape Cod, Officially Cape_Cod is a city in the state of Albany and apart of the larger Indochina Nation. As of October 27th, 2023 the population was 30, making it among the largest on the server. Cape Cod is situated on the western portion of Sulawesi, Indonesia, along the Makassar Strait and bordered by large mountains to the east. Cape Cod has an abundant amount of resources such as Birch, Jungle, Oak Logs; water, various types of stone, and much more.

Before settlement by UnitiveMold2313, the area was known as Kailee and featured a bustling main street with a detailed coast. However, this town would go into ruin and would go to be claimed by UnitiveMold2313. Since then, the town has grown massively, clearing large amounts of land amd gaining many new residents.

Cape Cod features many builds, Starting with Old Towne, this is the heart of Cape Cod containing many shops and beautiful builds. Central Cape Cod contains the medieval district aswell as town spawn and the local subway system. Moving south, there is Cod Creek, starting in the eastern mountains, it makes its way south emptying into the Cape Cod Port. Southern Cape Cod is also home to Hassan II Mosque, Built in September 2023, it is the first mosque in Indochina Nation.

Cape Cod's standard of living is very high, new residents are offered many amenities such as a multiple free plots, free materials and a very strong sense of community. Cape Cod members are UnitiveMold2313 (Mayor); StockySiren9598, RealShurym (Councilor); brandellkar, crypticmusic32, Its_dj11, mmcowboy, clueless41311, WojtusKozak, Cosmic_Smart_158, Speenator, Marquouz, jrmelon, hacer_zf, Yambonaut, ko464703, redbear0, Amora0926, Chandock, Reaper63655, deamon5640, MasterWolf5555, Luckxz_, Zombieboy7710, MasterMatt444, Snooorke, Masterswiftz, SpiritMonkke, MegladonLover10 (Members)
