North Boston

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Revision as of 11:00, 26 February 2024 by ivanmishin (talk | contribs) (Updated)
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North Boston
Town Information
Nation CSA
Population 4 as of 16.07.2022
Area 35 as of 16.07.2022 chunks
Coordinates Coordinates -13315, -8064
Continent North America
Economic System Mixed
Official Language Englishflag.jpg English
Official Religion
Government Information
Political System Oligarchy on a regional level
Mayor IvannnO6HeadBig.png IvannnO6
Historical Information
  • May 28th, 2022,
  • February 26th, 2024
Past Nations
  • Canada
  • New York
Past Mayors
Past Councillors


North Boston was founded by IvannnO6 on May 28th 2022. The town had a very rough start as it got claim blocked by the Town of Boston on June 4th 2022. Those claims got deleted on the next day by staff. On June 14th 2022, a Town by the name of Harvard was founded and immediately claim blocked the town of North Boston. On June 20th 2022, the town of Harvard fell into ruins. A segment of the original wall between those towns has been conserved. On the 22nd of June 2022, the town of North Boston joined the nation of New York. Due to it's low population and constant conflicts, the Town of North Boston is struggling to get enough money to create a Nation. On the 24th of June 2022, North Boston joined the CSA. On the 4th of July 2022, LucasiaOfficial severely griefed the town of North Boston and got banned. The damage was estimated to be worth 10G.

On the 2nd of September 2022, XD_FinPlayzz and 2fingered griefed the town of North Boston and fled to the nation of Victoria. On the same day at 5PM GMT+1, IvannnO6 was invited to a conference between him and his majesty Emperor of Victoria. The conference has stenghthen diplomatic ties between the CSA and Victoria and everything stolen was given back to IvannnO6. Later that day, CSA's September Elections have began. IvannnO6 decided to submit his candidature and promised to make the CSA a superpower and redo the border agreement with Cuba as well as creating a constitution.

In early 2023, the Town of North Boston fell to ruins due to IvannnO6 leaving Mega-Earth.

On February 25th 2024, the towns mayor IvannnO6 rejoined Mega-Earth and started planning the recreation of the city. On February 26th 2024, the town of North Boston was reestablished.

Buildings and Structures

Harvard University Campus

The main campus for Harvard University is located in North Boston. It is currently comprised of a single building (Pforzheimer House) that is currently under construction. More buildings are going to be built such as the Harvard Memorial Hall.

Pforzheimer House in September 2022
Pforzheimer House in September 2022

Boston Wall

The Boston wall was built by the town of Harvard upon claim blocking the town of North Boston. Most of the wall fell during the capitulation of the town of Harvard although some fragments have been conserved. On the 30th of June 2022, LucasiaOfficial accidentally destroyed the wall. It is currently under reconstruction.

A segment of the Boston wall.
A segment of the Boston wall near the sea.

Future Plans

  • Build the Harvard Memorial Hall
  • Build some skyscrapers near the sea [1]
  • Expand the city claims to the North
  • Create the nation of Massachusetts
City Plan of North Boston (Mid August 2022)


Education Industry

Founded in March 2022, Harvard University is EarthMC's biggest University. The main campus for Harvard University is located in North Boston.

Mining Industry

North Boston has a several mineshafts under the ocean at Y -16. They will be transformed into an underground ice highway in the far future.

Transportation Industry

North Boston has a network of overworld ice highways connectiong it to Bangor and Annapolis. It takes about 20 seconds to get from North Boston and Bangor and about a minute to get from Annapolis to North Boston. Most of the highways has been dug by the mayor of North Boston, IvannnO6 although some parts of the highway were dig by paid contractors. The highways were dug at Y 0.