Aurora:Veniba Station
Here you can write general details on your town, such as location, date it started, basic history, members, etc. You may want to put specifics only in the infobox of the town, but it's totally up to you. Towns don't need a flag and or banner but it's very recommended to have one or the other to give it an identity. Note that while the infobox is required for all future pages and all future pages without it will be deleted, pages made before the infobox was created will not be and will have them added in.
This section is NOT optional, as it will end up being the bulk of your article. It is however lenient and not much has to be written, as long as it has some subdivisions. Subdividing should be done in longer, broader time periods, and then smaller specific ones. How long or short you want each period to be is totally up to you. At first using only one subdivision if fine, but unlike player articles towns tend to have a lot of history so it's required to eventually add more. If you have trouble making more subdivisions or writing about the history of the town contact a mod.
- Underground Habitation Quarters
- Atmospheric Scanner (Planned)
- Harbour (Planned)
- Biofuel Refinery (Planned)
- ████ and █████████████ Research Facility (Planned)
Notable People
- MisterTor