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Revision as of 18:04, 25 June 2024 by pou0611 (talk | contribs)
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Town Information
Area 36 chunks
Continent Australia
Economic System
Official Language
Official Religion
Government Information
Political System
Mayor Tinkered_
Historical Information
Past Nations
Past Mayors
Past Councillors

Mesatown is a small Pilbaran settlement situated within the Pilbara region of Australia. It was established on May 30th, 2024 by player Tinkered_, who has since grown the population to 3 residents.



The town was established on the 30th of May, 2024 by Tinkered_ who took inspiration from neighbouring towns such as Adelaide and Onslow Bay.


The town began with a measly population of just 1 resident, Tinkered_, however, the town obtained another resident in a matter of minutes through a brief recruiting campaign conducted in global. The resident in question was CallMeLucqs, a fairly ambiguous individual who would later prove to be integral to Mesatown's development.

The Yeehaw Saloon during construction
(c. 7/6/2024)


Mesatown's early days predominantly consisted of mining and construction, with some of the town's largest structures being built in just the first week, such as the Yeehaw Saloon or Community House.
Over the course of the ensuing month, construction was amplified, with the majority of the town's housing and community facilities being built within a mere week.
The funding for these construction projects were heavily contributed to by CallMeLucqs, who additionally provided some raw resources such as wood to assist directly.

Proposed flag of Mesatown


The town's flag was created on the 19th of June, 2024 and was ratified 3 days later on the 22nd of June. A now unused flag was also proposed on the same day as the town's creation, however, it was never ratified.


Mesatown is currently split into two areas, these being the communal and housing districts. The housing district is defined as anywhere north of the communal area which features housing, whereas the communal north is situated north and contains the town's edifices.


The majority of Mesatown's infrastructure follows a western theme, mirroring that of the American Frontier. Due to this, most buildings are comprised of predominantly wood with darker borders. Examples of some buildings representative of this theme can be found below:

The Yeehaw Saloon
Mesa Bank
The Craftist church

Notable People

  • Tinkered face.png Tinkered_
  • Callmelucqs.png CallMeLucqs