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New Australia, officially The New Australia Realm, is a constituent nation of United Australia. The nation owns five towns located in the southeast of continental Australia, and one Polish colony in Tasmania, with a total of 273 chunks of claimed territories and a population of 80 players.

New Australia's capital and largest city is Canberra.


Founding Period

New Australia was founded on April 13, 2019, following the departure of its capital city, Canberra, from Tasmania.

Under the leadership of Duzy_, New Australia grew rapidly, also benefiting from the Dormant Period of TerraAustralis. The towns of Sydney, Cooma and New Wadowice joined the nation on April 18, April 24 and April 29, 2019 respectively, while Greenway and Jindabyne were established on May 15 and May 18, 2019 respectively.

United Australia

    Main article: United Australia

In May 2019, New Australia started negotiating with North Australia (formerly New Guinea) to form United Australia. TerraAustralis, The Kingdom of Australia and Western Australia later joined into the negotiations. 



List of towns

CanberraSydneyCoomaGreenwayJindabyneNew Wadowice

Notable People