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Profile Information
Aliases Francon, Blackcrow1945, Blackcrow, Crow, Elgik
Nation Russia
Town Saint_Petersburg
Towny Rank Councillor
Occupation Prime Minister of Russia

Secretary-General of the World Russian Organization

Organization The World Organization Of Russian
Political Party «Russian forward!»
Religion Orthodoxy
Discord Elgik#6981
Spawn Information
Date of Spawn March 19, 2020
Place of Spawn
Physical Information
Nationality Russian
Gender Man
Blood Type
Zodiac Cancer
Height 181
Weight 68
Status Information
Server Role
Date of Ban
Nation History
24/05/2020 - 29/05/2020 Tzarist Russia

29/05/2020 - 02/06/2020 Pomorie

02/06/2020 - Present Russia

Francon (Blackcrow1945) is an EarthMC player, the Prime Minister of Russia.


'Francon 'is the second Prime Minister of Russia, who previously served as President of Pomorie. He assumed the post of Prime Minister on may 30, 2020.

From the very beginning after the election, Blackcrow1945 developed a strategy for the socio-economic development of Russia. At the moment, the program led to the creation of the full structure of the Russian government, the establishment of a national Bank, creation of the police and reform of the army.



For the first time Francon went into the game at the end of 2018. At that time, he very rarely played on servers, mainly engaged in construction in single-player mode. He appeared just East of Africa and decided to settle in Siberia. To do this, he went all over Africa, visited the countries of the Caspian sea and through the path that still exists, reached a small abandoned Siberian city. Also, he was joined by his friend.

At this point, Francon renovated one of the houses and began actively exploring the area. It turned out that there was a Mongol city not far from his house. Francon repeatedly raided it, but it turned out that the city had long been abandoned, and a few days later it was completely removed and looted.

After some time, Francon accumulated gold and created its own city - Petropavlovsk, naming it after saints Peter and Paul. Basically, the city was a small village on the island, where three players lived, there was a vegetable garden, a warehouse and a prison. Over time, Francon decided to expand the city. To do this, he began to demolish the island, engaged in changing the landscape. However, Petropavlovsk was attacked daily by an unknown player who kept killing players and robbing the garden. In the end, the first account belonging to Francon was hacked and the player stopped accessing the server. Over time, Petropavlovsk was removed and other unknown players settled in its place 6 months later.


However, after purchasing a new account in the winter of 2019, Francon settled in one of the cities of the nation of Siberia. There he played the role of Builder and historian. He also built a small Orthodox Church. It is worth noting that Francon, due to his good knowledge of German, often played the role of interpreter in various negotiations with German-speaking players.

However, the city where Francon lived was ruined, which is why Francon decided to devote his game to travel. Given that there were no moving commands (/n spawn) at that time, traveling was a dangerous and difficult task. During the month of travel, Francon visited Africa, North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. He repeatedly established contacts with Indian players, and also willingly engaged in trade. As a result, he settled in Kamchatka, but he lost interest in the game, which is why he left it.

He returned in December 2019. Without much activity, Francon reached Europe and was hacked again.


Together with friends, Francon decided to return to the server in March 2020. He purchased an account and settled on the Bank of the Rybinsk reservoir. His friend created the city of Volzhsk there. For himself, he built a large house there, actively cut trees and engaged in landscaping. However, the mayor of the city made friends with Arkhangelsk, which was located nearby. The archangels decided to create their own nation and invited Volzhsk. The mayor, without even discussing joining the nation with the residents of the city, gave almost all the gold to the archangels. This alarmed Francon, which caused Him to rebel. After that, the residents decided to leave the mayor alone and left Volzhsk, taking most of the resources extracted by them.

The road led Francon to a large abandoned fortress on the shore of lake Onega. Realizing that it would be difficult to build a city from scratch, Francon created a city in this fortress, starting a major renovation. Pavlodar, as he called it, quickly turned from a ruined castle into a large and beautiful city: flowerbeds appeared, the Pavlodar Kremlin was completed, a warehouse was built, and private rooms were repaired. The forests that once surrounded the city have become huge construction sites: Francon built the embankment, started creating the river, and built the headquarters of the world organization of Russians.

On April 12, Francon created a small Russian server community. Over time, the community has grown and today it is called the world organization of Russians. It includes about forty players from all over the world. Headquarters are located on all continents of the planet.

Over time, when the city became quite large and influential, attention to it increased. Toporkov, who wanted to unite all the cities of European Russia, invited Pavlodar to his nation, but the city refused. Then he began to put pressure on him, which almost started a war. After some time, the city still became part of Tsarist Russia, but later withdrew from the structure. Francon created his own nation, where he became President. Pomorie joined the two cities of Pavlodar and Ladoga.

However, Francon was invited by the residents of Russia to the post of Prime Minister. Because of this, Pomorie became part of Russia, and Francon left Pavlodar, settling in Petrograd. As Prime Minister of Russia, Francon carried out massive reforms of the army, created the police, established the national Bank and budget, divided the country into regions, approving weekly funding. Russian cities began to develop rapidly, and mass construction began.


Francon has a large amount of property. As of July 2020, he owns a three-story house opposite the Summer garden in Saint Petersburg, a small house in Jyvaskyla, and a two-story dacha in Volzhsk. In addition, he owns a large building materials store in the heart of St. Petersburg, which provides him with a stable income.