Frankfurt is a town in Germany with a population of 2 players, the mayor TC_Lapix created the town just a couple of days after joining the server. Frankfurt has been through many things, including nation changes.
the town joined Sweden, and after a while the mayor decided to join Russia, and got in 2 attacks against Sweden.
after a while, Frankfurt joined Germany again and a big change was made to the town, the dirt layer that was covering and hiding the town was removed and some houses was built to be able to hire more residents to the town.
after the fall of Germany, Frankfurt joined Nazi_Germany and the leader Adolf_Hitlar. when Caarliitoo remade real Germany, Frankfurt joined that nation instead.
The town has 3 outposts right now:
the first picture is a picture of the town itself, the other 2 pictures are outposts.
one of them is boring and i didn't want to put the picture in, it's just the end.